Differences between perimenopause and menopause - Radiant Health

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What are the differences between perimenopause and menopause?

A woman’s body changes several times during her life. She may notice an increase or onset of insomnia, night sweats, mood changes, and other issues during middle age. This could be the beginning of menopause or perimenopause. If you need help with symptoms, a hormone clinic in San Francisco will be able to guide you through this process.

Perimenopause and Menopause

Perimenopause is that time before the actual onset of menopause. She still has periods that may or may not be regular and the beginning of some uncomfortable symptoms. It usually starts about ten years before the actual diagnosis of menopause. Estrogen levels are beginning to alter, but it is still possible to become pregnant during this time.

Menopause is defined as a year without a period of any kind. That means the ovaries are no longer producing eggs for release. Typically this happens around 51 but can begin earlier. 

Menopause can occur earlier if she:

  • Smoke
  • History of early menopause in the family
  • Cancer treatments
  • Oophorectomy or hysterectomy

As mentioned, perimenopause exhibits many of the same symptoms as menopause but can also include worsening PMS, weight gain and other issues. If you find your periods are becoming less reliable, this is probably the phase you are in. 

Here are some other more common symptoms:

  • Breast tenderness
  • Hair changes
  • Weight fluctuation
  • Concentration issues
  • Decreased libido
  • More UTIs

How to deal with perimenopause and menopause?

There can be several different ways to deal with both perimenopause and menopause. Depending on your current lifestyle and options, our San Francisco hormone clinic has found many of the following techniques to be successful.


Yoga, quiet walks, or simply being silent and aware of your surroundings.


Some triggers are identified as alcohol, caffeine, and spicy food.


Keeping a regular pace, even just walking a couple of days a week, can help the body process.


Calcium and Vitamins D and E.


Visit your healthcare provider to rule out a thyroid imbalance that can mimic some of these symptoms.


Bioidentical Hormone replacement therapy.

Contact a reliable hormone clinic in San Francisco

It is always a good idea to seek a medical opinion to ensure there is nothing more serious going on. Especially if you find spotting after your period, bleeding after sex, blood clots, or extreme changes in your period.

At Radiant Health, we specialize in managing hormone-related imbalances affecting your daily life and overall health. Get on a path to hormone balance in San Francisco by finding out what’s really going on and work with one of our experts to get balanced, happy hormones!

Call us today at 415-590-2899.

Happy Hormones Book cover by Dr. Kristy Vermenulen, Naturopathic Doctor

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San Francisco

Address: 2137 Lombard St 2nd Floor
San Francisco. CA. 94123
Phone: 415-590-2899
Fax: 877-316-7361
Email: contact@radianthealthsf.com

San Rafael

Address: 2400 Las Gallinas, Suite 140
San Rafael, CA, 94903
Phone: 415-590-2899
Fax: 877-316-7361
Email: contact@radianthealthsf.com


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