Which Is More Important: Diet or Exercise?

Eat less, exercise more. You’ve probably heard that’s the secret to weight loss. So, it makes sense that if you want to lose weight quickly, or if you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau, you need to really ramp up the exercise, right?

Unfortunately, many people experience frustration with this approach. Why aren’t they successful?  Research suggests that weight loss can be more complex than a simple “calories in/calories out” formula. In fact, our hormones play a larger role in regulating our metabolism than many people realize. As a result, maintaining a diet that encourages hormonal balance is often more effective than hours of exercise.

Why Exercise Can’t Make Up for a Bad Diet

Consider a woman training for a 10-K race. She runs from half an hour to an hour every day. With all of that exercise, she figures she should be losing weight and should be able to treat herself every so often.  However, she’s plagued by some remaining pounds that she just can’t shake.

What’s happening? Let’s take a look at the math. As a 140-pound woman, she burns about 300 calories in a 30-minute run. And that’s fantastic! In addition to the calorie loss, she experiences cardio health, mood elevation, and countless other benefits (including a sense of accomplishment!) from her runs.

However, those 300 calories are a lot easier to consume than they are to burn. Simply put, she can consume 300 calories by eating a small bagel or sipping on a sweet coffee drink.

In fact, studies have shown that exercising often leads to an increase in food consumption. Some of this effect may be due to our hormones’ impacts on appetite, and some of it simply might be because we tend to tell ourselves (often subconsciously) that we deserve more food after a workout.

The Science Of Exercise And Appetite

Interestingly, one study found that a modest amount of exercise (about 30 minutes a day) is more effective for losing body fat than longer periods of working out. One reason for this might be that our everyday movement (the things we do in a normal day that are not related to formal exercise) may decrease if we’re tired from a long workout. As well, the hormones that stimulate our appetite may increase when our bodies are overstressed.

What does this mean for your weight-loss efforts? All told, scientists have concluded that diet is more effective than exercise for weight loss. However, the best approach combines the two. That’s because it’s important not to dismiss exercise’s role. Working out can improve your metabolism, particularly if you add strength training to your routine. And, of course, – exercise offers countless other benefits, from better skin to improved digestion to deeper sleep. It’s an important part of a healthy, balanced life.

The Most Effective Formula For Weight Loss

So, what is the ideal weight loss formula? The best approach is one that reflects your unique health profile. Your age, gender, overall health and lifestyle all impact your metabolism. That’s why it’s important to work with your healthcare practitioner to develop a strategy that works for you and to make sure there isn’t something else going on that’s sabotaging your ability to reach your weight loss goals.

Breaking a Plateau – Tips for Success

A few simple changes can help you make the most of the “diet” part of the equation so that you experience the weight-loss benefits of both diet and exercise.

1. Experiment with intermittent fasting to find a fasting schedule that works for you.

Intermittent fasting involves integrating scheduled periods of abstaining from food. There are many different approaches you could try. To name a few popular examples, some people eat regular meals five days a week and fast for the other two. And many people follow an “8-16” schedule, in which they eat for eight hours a day (for example, 10:00 to 6:00), then fast for 16 hours.

Studies have found that the effectiveness of these periods of fasting goes beyond the missed calories because of the effect on your hormones – for example, periods of not eating can help keep insulin levels in check. When your food is digested in your gut, carbs are converted to sugar and used for energy. But excess sugar is stored as fat, with the help of insulin. If your insulin levels drop, fat cells can release this stored sugar. In addition, fasting can elevate your levels of human growth hormone (HGH) which can lead to muscle growth and fat loss.

2. Keep a food diary.

One strategy that has been proven effective for weight loss is to carefully monitor what you’re eating in a food diary. Making this a habit can help prevent the tendency many of us have to overcompensate for an exercise session or grab a quick snack without realizing the extra intake and its effect.

3. Focus on natural, nutrient-dense whole foods.

When you want to get the most nutrient value from the foods you eat, “clean” eating is the best approach. Often when people hit plateaus in their weight-loss efforts, hormone imbalances are to blame. And that means that no amount of extra exercise will help break the plateau. Nutrient-dense foods are full of vitamins and minerals that can help restore hormonal balance. So try cutting out processed foods, refined sugar, and alcohol in favour of whole foods.

Understanding how your unique body is working involves testing, not just guessing, and this holds true for weight loss. Maybe it’s a hormonal imbalance or food sensitivities that are impacting your body’s ability to metabolize food properly and stay slim.

As always, a personalized approach will be the most effective. If you’ve hit a weight-loss plateau, or if you’re wondering how to achieve the right balance between diet and exercise, give our office a call!



Signs That Your Body Is Out of Balance

Are you feeling burnt out and overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Let’s face it: We’re all busy, dealing with endless to-do lists and struggling to balance it all. The result is often a day-to-day life that feels too hectic. We feel pulled away from the things that matter – and we may have even forgotten what those things are.

Many people find their way to our clinic at a time in their lives where they feel compelled to take charge of their wellbeing before it gets out of control. Perhaps they’re experiencing health problems that they just can’t shake, or they are ready to take their health to the next level because they know their health is their best asset. By seeking the kind of holistic help a Naturopathic Doctor can provide they’re claiming ownership of their current and future health.

A Fork In The Road

The inescapable truth is that good health is vital to living a rich and meaningful life. Fortunately our bodies let us know when we’re standing at a health crossroads by giving us warning signs in the form of unpleasant symptoms. However, many of us don’t listen to those signs, leading our health down a slippery slope.

Here’s a key fact: Illness doesn’t develop overnight. It often begins when we’re out of balance and burnt out. We need to pay attention to the warning signs before they escalate into something worse.

Five Signs That Your Body Is Out Of Balance:

1. You Feel Incredibly Stressed

We all feel stressed from time to time. And some stress is necessary to motivate us to get things done. However, chronic stress can lead to many health issues, including muscle pain, cardiovascular and digestive issues, hormonal imbalance, depression and anxiety, and weakened immunity.

From an evolutionary perspective, the “fight or flight” response produced by stress hormones (including cortisol and adrenaline) makes sense. By putting your body into overdrive, those hormones could help you if you were under attack by a predator. However, in today’s world, stress tends to be chronic and relentless. As a result, your hormone levels can be way out of balance.

2. You are Irritable and Experiencing Mood Swings

Are you ready to fly off the handle at any moment? Do things that used to make you laugh now irritate you? You could have an imbalance of the hormones that affect your mood, such as serotonin and cortisol. Changes in estrogen levels and thyroid imbalances can also lead to irritability.

3. You are Experiencing Sleep Disturbances and Difficulty Falling Asleep

Sleep problems can become a vicious cycle: We need sleep to refresh our minds and restore balance, but when our bodies are out of balance, it can be difficult to sleep well. If you toss and turn for hours, or wake up in the night with racing thoughts, it may be time to listen to your body and start practising better sleep hygiene.

4. Your Body is Changing (Rapid Weight Gain, Debilitating Fatigue, Skin Problems, etc.) and you Can’t Figure Out Why

Many patients experience mysterious symptoms that can’t be explained by conventional medicine. Weight gain is a common example. If you find you’ve gained weight without any change to your lifestyle, your body might be telling you it’s out of balance. Similarly, unexplained fatigue or sudden acne (long past the teen years) are symptoms you shouldn’t ignore. 

5. You Rely on External Substances to “Manage” Life

If you feel like you can’t make it through the day without your morning coffee, midmorning macchiato, and afternoon pumpkin spice latte and muffin, ask yourself what purpose those magic drinks and sugar are serving. Relying on a substance, be it sugar, caffeine, or even alcohol or cigarettes is not a sustainable way of coping with life’s difficulties and the short term boost soon gives way to unbalance. It’s important to seek help to nip these habits in the bud.

Does anything on that list sound familiar? You’re not alone! Feeling overwhelmed is often the result of our natural instinct to try to please everyone. The good news is that there’s a better way.

Recovering From Overwhelm: How To Bring Your Health Back Into Balance

How can you start the process of restoring balance? It’s simpler than you might think.

Step One. Reprioritize What’s Really Important.

What matters most to you? Chances are it’s not the laundry, or your next meeting, your emails or buying a nicer couch, or many of the things that take up space on your to-do list. Ultimately, for most of us, the important things are more intangible: our health, relationships, and family. And in order to prioritize those things, we need to put self-care at the top of the list. Simply put, we can’t devote energy to the really important things if we’re not looking after ourselves.

Interestingly, many people find that when they adjust their priorities, the other things cease to feel like such a struggle. It may seem like a bit of a paradox, but when we look after ourselves, everything else falls into place.

If you want to reconnect with your priorities and figure out what really matters, mindful meditation can help. You can also try journaling – writing down your thoughts can be a great way to sort them out. In fact, writing down your emotions can be the outlet you need to ease the harmful physical effects of stress – and remember to take time for gratitude daily.

Step 2: Recognize Where you Need Help and Ask For It.

This step can be hard for many people. After all, as adults, we’re supposed to be self-sufficient, right? However, consider this: Many successful people have help. Athletes have health and fitness coaches; musicians have teachers; many business owners have mentors. And they often credit their success to that support and guidance.

The real strength is in identifying areas of your life that feel out of control, and admitting that you could do with a helping hand.

A good first step is to book a thorough review of your health and wellness status with your Naturopathic Doctor. We’re here to help you better understand where these feelings of overwhelm and bothersome symptoms are coming from, and give you the tools you need to find balance again. Functional testing is available to remove the guesswork and identify any possible underlying physical issues, such as hormonal imbalances. This holistic approach allows us to support you with an effective plan of action for your health and wellbeing that’s tailored specifically to you.

If you are ready to dive deeper into your health and rebalance your life, give us a call!



PCO: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: What You Need to Know

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can impact many aspects of a woman’s health, from her moods, her weight, to her chances of conception. This surprisingly common condition can be difficult to diagnose and treat. That’s partly because conventional medicine practices are often geared towards tackling the symptoms without truly getting to the underlying reasons. Naturaltreatments for PCOS address this frustrating condition from all angles, addressing the whole system with a special focus on the root cause.

What Is PCOS?

Simply put, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a hormonal problem that can affect women during their reproductive years. It’s marked by irregular ovulation and higher than normal levels of the “male” hormones or androgens such as testosterone. The name refers to changes to the ovaries, which become filled with small cysts that lead to hormone imbalances.

Because PCOS can be difficult to diagnose it’s a bit uncertain how common it is, but about five to 10 percent of women may experience it during the reproductive years.

The Symptoms of PCOS

The symptoms of PCOS often start to appear slowly over time, and the changes they bring about are often easy to dismiss as normal.

If you experience the following symptoms, it may be time to talk with a healthcare practitioner:

● Weight Gain

Gaining weight without any particular change in lifestyle, especially around the belly. Women with PCOS often develop an “apple” shape in which their body fat collects in the torso area.

● Acne

Facial and back acne and other skin conditions such as dark patches and skin tags often go hand in hand with PCOS.

● Hirsutism

Extra hair on the face and body, particularly on the upper lip, chest, and back as a result of hormonal imbalances.

● Mood Changes

PCOS can particularly bring on an increased risk of depression or anxiety

● Irregular Periods

Some women cease to menstruate at all. Others develop very heavy periods.

● Difficulty conceiving

Cystic ovaries, as well as the accompanying hormonal imbalances, can make conception difficult, potentially leading to the need for extra help to get pregnant.

What Are The Underlying Causes Of PCOS?


It is very often difficult to determine one precise cause for PCOS, since many factors can contribute to its development. Genetics do play a role however, so if your mother or sister has had PCOS, you are more likely to develop it.


Carrying extra weight can also contribute to PCOS. Of course, this creates a frustrating dynamic since PCOS makes you more likely to keep gaining weight. Hormonal imbalances also make it harder to lose that extra weight.


As well as the more measurable factors, some research suggests that high stress levels may play a role in the development of PCOS. That’s because stress can wreak havoc on your hormones, resulting in an overproduction of testosterone and insulin.

Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance may be a major factor in PCOS. About 70 percent of women with PCOS also have insulin resistance. Obesity, high blood sugar, inactivity, and stress can all lead to insulin resistance, however in PCOS insulin resistance seems to be both a symptom and a driver of the condition and affects all body types.

Why PCOS Can Be Frustrating: The Shortfalls of Conventional Medicine

Not only is it difficult to diagnose PCOS, it can also be tricky to treat. Many conventional medical care providers seek to simply mask the symptoms by putting women with PCOS on birth control pills.

One clear flaw in this approach is that birth control pills won’t help women who are trying to reverse their PCOS in order to conceive. More importantly, this approach isn’t getting to the root of the problem, in fact it may exacerbate it. Birth control pills containing estrogen can actually raise blood sugar levels in addition to carrying other health risks. The goal should be to restore overall health, not add the potential for more problems.

The Natural Approach To PCOS

A naturopathic approach considers the whole person in treating PCOS. That means addressing the underlying causes of hormonal imbalances. The goal is to improve all aspects of a patient’s health – and consequently, reduce PCOS symptoms.

Treatment starts with a thorough evaluation of your health history as well as thorough functional testing. Although the exact protocols will vary by patient, here are some proven tips for treating PCOS.

1. Weight Loss Plan

If you’re overweight, work with your healthcare provider to create a healthy weight-loss plan. Losing just small amounts of weight can make a big difference to PCOS symptoms. However, you want to approach weight loss in a way that doesn’t create more stress in your body as stress can have a negative effect on insulin levels. That’s why it’s important to work with your healthcare practitioner.

2. Natural Whole Food Diet

Eating foods without preservatives or other endocrine disruptors is the best approach to fully nourishing your body’s intricate systems.

3. Balance Protein And Carbs

You don’t have to eliminate carbs altogether. Choose unprocessed, complex carbs and balance them with sources of lean protein.

4. Improve Gut Health

By improving your gut health to reduce inflammation and improve elimination, probiotics can help regulate hormone levels.

5. Choose Foods High In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Essential Fatty Acids are the building blocks of many hormones, and a deficiency in EFAs is very common. Good sources include fatty fish such as salmon or sardines, as well as eggs, nuts and seeds.

6. Talk to your healthcare provider about supplementation

Depending on your personal profile, helpful supplements could include magnesium, vitamin D, and calcium. In particular, inositol (a B vitamin) has been proven effective for PCOS treatment. And chromium can help metabolize sugar and stabilize glucose levels. The right testing by your doctor can uncover any deficiencies you may have and help you come up with a targeted supplement protocol.

7. Get Enough Sleep

A good night’s sleep is an essential part of hormone regulation. Interestingly, studies have found that sleep problems are twice as common for women with PCOS. So be sure to pay attention to your sleep habits.

8. Get some healthy movement

Moderate exercise will help with weight loss and the insulin  resistance. It will also relieve stress and balance your cortisol levels. One study found that a mix of high-intensity interval training and strength training helps women with PCOS. However, talk to your healthcare provider about the best approach for you as many women with PCOS do better with gentle exercise.

Take Control of Your Hormones

Yes, PCOS can be frustrating. However, much research has been done recently on functional testing and effective natural, holistic treatments for PCOS. By treating your body as an integrated set of systems, you can get to the bottom of your PCOS symptoms and get on the path towards true balance and wellbeing.

Ready to take control of your hormones? Come into the office and we can get started!



Male Health: 4 Common Concerns and How to Treat Them Naturally

Not so shockingly, Men are less likely than women to visit a healthcare provider when they’re sick. And often they wait until a medical issue has become serious before they do anything about it. Some of this tendency may be that men are less likely to ask for help in general (hence their often-joked-about difficulty with asking for directions). And some of it may be that many men simply don’t like to talk much about health issues. 

The reason most commonly cited by men for avoiding medical appointments is that they feel they’re too busy. But with the rise in chronic conditions and disease, men need to be more proactive about their health. This month we’re discussing some of the most common health concerns specific to men, and natural ways to prevent and treat them.

This information doesn’t replace the need to see your doctor – in fact, we hope that it will encourage more men to take their health seriously and visit their healthcare practitioners.

1 – Prostate Enlargement

The small prostate gland is one of those little-discussed body parts. However, one in every 9 men in North America will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. That makes it the most common form of cancer for the country’s men. The good news is that regular screening is often able to catch prostate cancer because it is generally a slow-growing cancer. The bad news is that many men don’t seek out screening at all until they have been living with the symptoms for far too long.

All men over 50 should talk about their prostate health with their healthcare provider. It’s particularly important if you have one of the risk factors for prostate cancer.

What Are The Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer?

  • Obesity (having a BMI over 30)
  • A family history of prostate cancer
  • Eating a diet high in red meat and dairy

Some evidence suggests smoking may also be a risk factor (and even if it’s not, quitting is always a good idea anyway).

Benign Prostate Enlargement (BPE)

Not all prostate enlargement is cancer. In fact, a more common issue causing similar symptoms in the earlier stages is an enlarged prostate, also called benign prostate enlargement (BPE). Although it’s not prostate cancer, BPE can have a negative impact on a man’s lifestyle. That’s because it leads to frequent urination, poor control of urine flow, embarrassing “leaks,” and difficulty emptying the bladder.

About 50 percent of men will experience BPE by the age of 60, and up to 90 percent by the age of 85. In addition to age, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity are risk factors.

Fortunately there are several natural approaches that can be used to support a healthy prostate and reduce the risk of issues down the line.

Supplements To Support The Prostate

Some studies have found that the herbal remedy saw palmetto can improve men’s urinary tract function because it lowers testosterone production, which in turn can shrink the lining of the prostate. In addition, low zinc levels are indicative of BPE, so consider adding zinc supplements to your regime and increasing your consumption of high-zinc foods such as eggs and nuts. Another promising supplement, pygeum (African plum extract) has been linkedwith a lower risk for BPE in several studies.

Simple Dietary And Lifestyle Changes To Help Protect The Prostate

  • Increase the amounts of lycopene you consume. Deep pink or red foods are good sources of lycopene, so turn to things like tomatoes, watermelon, and grapefruit.
  • Stay hydrated. Make sure you drink lots of fluids during the day to support your urinary system. However, it’s best to stop drinking about two hours before bedtime if you are plagued by frequent trips to the bathroom.
  • Limit or eliminate caffeine, artificially sweetened drinks, and alcohol. If you must have caffeine, choose green tea – one study found it may help prevent prostate cancer.
  • Choose natural, unprocessed food whenever possible.

2 – Low Testosterone

Many signs of “low T” develop slowly over time. As a result, men often ascribe their symptoms to simply growing older. However, a reduction in testosterone levels doesn’t have to be a normal consequence of aging. Although your hormone levels do begin to drop as early as your 30’s, there are a number of steps you can take to help protect them.

Symptoms Of Low Testosterone Levels

How can you tell if you have low testosterone? Only your healthcare practitioner can make a definitive diagnosis, but the following signs could indicate it’s time to schedule an appointment.

  • Lagging libido
  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Increased body fat
  • Male breast tissue growth
  • Loss of muscle tone

How Can You Protect Your Testosterone Levels As You Get Older?

1. Sleep

Missing a few hours can quickly cause your levels of testosterone to drop. Try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, and practise good “sleep hygiene” by ensuring your bedroom is dark and switching off any electronics for one hour before bedtime.

2. Exercise

Working out is one of the more direct ways to give your testosterone levels a boost- there’s a reason many men feel “pumped up” after a workout. Weights are the most effective activity for raising testosterone levels, and recent studies found high-intensity interval training HIIT workouts productive in this regard.

3. Eat a balanced diet

Include plenty of good quality protein, unrefined carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

4. Keep stress levels in check.

When you’re stressed, your levels of the hormone cortisol rise. And when cortisol rises, testerone drops. So avoid chronic, long-term stress. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed, schedule some mini-breaks for yourself. Calling a time out on a hectic schedule to meditate or simply go for a short walk can pay off in the long run.

5. Watch your vitamin D levels

Spending time in the sun, or taking vitamin D supplements during the winter, can give your body a key component needed to raise your testosterone levels if they are low.

6. Talk to your healthcare provider about supplements and testosterone replacements

There are some herbs and nutrients that can increase testosterone. However, once you are over the age of 50, testosterone replacement therapy will provide the best results. Testosterone replacement is very safe when delivered and managed by a health care practitioner with an expertise in bioidentical hormone replacement.

7. Avoid estrogen-mimicking materials

Many compounds found in daily life can affect your hormones because they mimic estrogen in your body. In particular, avoid materials made with BPA, parabens, and phthalates. That means not using things like plastic water bottles, air fresheners, and scented grooming products.

3 – Heart Health

Heart attacks are the leading cause of death regardless of gender. However, the average age of a first heart attack is about seven years younger for men, largely due to the protective effect of women’s hormones.

Men can take steps to protect their own heart health at any age. Although some commonly prescribed cardiovascular medications have adverse side effects, nutritional therapies show promising results in research and can be used alongside conventional medicine to support the body.

Factors That Affect Your Heart Health

Omega-3 fatty acids

Several studies have found that men who consume a lot of foods high in essential fatty acids have lower mortality rates from cardiovascular events. Foods that are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids include oily fish like salmon, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseed oil.


Magnesium is a mineral that is used by all muscles in the body to relax, and that includes the heart. A recent study found that magnesium may also help the heart repair existing damage. Foods high in magnesium include dark chocolate, avocados, tofu, and beans.


Of course, one of the best things you can do for your heart muscle is to exercise it. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to run a marathon or spend hours in the gym. The movements of daily life (like gardening, vacuuming, and walking to the store) all contribute to a healthy heart.


Your heart is yet another body part that suffers when you’re stressed. Think about it: When your stress hormones kick you go into “flight or fight mode,” your blood pressure rises and your heart beats faster. You’re also more likely to engage in behaviours that hurt your heart, like overeating or drinking alcohol. Yes, drinking small amounts of alcohol has been shown to help heart health. But don’t forget that moderate drinking for men is two drinks a day or less.

4 – Depression

Signs of depression can be different for men than they are for women. Men are more likely to appear angry when they are suffering from depression. But the effects of this tendency to hide depression can be devastating. Consider these stats: over 30 percent of men say they have felt depressed. And the rate of suicide in men is four times that of women. You may be surprised to learn that men over 85 years of age have the highest rate of suicide of all.

If you experience any of the signs below, talk to someone immediately. Depression is treatable. There is lots of help out there.

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Loss of appetite
  • Indecisiveness
  • Agitated repetitive movements like pacing or drumming with your fingers
  • Unexplained aches and pains

If you’re a man with any of the symptoms or health concerns mentioned, don’t hesitate to come in and talk about them. Taking charge of your health can help you get back to living with vitality and energy. It’s time to get started!



Crohn’s and Colitis: Natural Treatment Options

If you are someone who experiences one of the two most common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, you will know that the pain and disruption caused by these disorders can wreak havoc on your life, affecting relationships, employment and more.

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for either condition, although much exciting research is being done. The good news is that we have made a lot of progress in recent years discovering natural ways to ease and support IBD. Read on to discover some non-invasive treatment modalities that can help you take your life back.

Crohn’s and Colitis- What You Need to Know

Crohn’s and Colitis develop when the lining of your intestines become inflamed. But behind that short definition lie several debilitating consequences, including difficulty with food digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste elimination. These issues can result in problems with bowel movements including urgency (feeling like you need to find a bathroom immediately) and bloody diarrhea.

The two disorders share many symptoms, including:

  • Diarrhea (sometimes alternating with constipation)
  • Bloody stools
  • Belly pain and discomfort
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Weight loss
  • Reduced appetite
  • Nausea
  • Increased gas
  • Fatigue
  • Anemia
  • Joint pain

The Differences Between Crohn’s And Colitis

Although they share many symptoms, it’s important to note that they’re not exactly the same. The main differences between Crohn’s and Colitis are:

  • With ulcerative colitis, only the large intestine is affected. Crohn’s disease can occur anywhere in the digestive system.
  • In Crohn’s disease, healthy tissue can be intermixed with inflamed tissue. In contrast, ulcerative colitis affects an entire area.
  • The inflammation of colitis affects only the inner lining of the intestines, whereas it can affect deeper layers with Crohn’s disease.

In real-life terms, bloody diarrhea and rectal bleeding are more common with colitis. And the pain of Crohn’s is often a sharper, more intense pain than the cramping that typically characterizes colitis.

Bear in mind that these are just generalized differences and a medical practitioner is the best person to diagnose any form of inflammatory bowel disease.

What Causes Crohn’s and Colitis?

Why do some people get Crohn’s and Colitis? Scientists don’t have precise reasons and most cases are considered idiopathic (of no known origin). They are generally considered to be autoimmune in nature, and a number of factors can come into play, including genetics and environmental triggers.

The Effects Of Stress & Diet

Many people do notice that IBD tends to flare up during times of stress (and, of course, this creates even more stress). And certain foods are often triggers as well. Although stress and diet don’t cause either condition, they can often exacerbate the symptoms. So managing Crohn’s and Colitis often requires careful dietary monitoring and lifestyle changes.

How Are Crohn’s and Colitis Treated?

Treatment often focuses on two main goals: reducing inflammation and managing symptoms. A number of medications, including steroids, can work to reduce inflammation, and, particularly with Crohn’s, surgery is sometimes necessary to remove tissue that has been too deeply damaged.  Many people suffering from IBD find that they can ease their symptoms enough to return to a more normal life by making a few changes to their diet and lifestyle.

Natural Ways To Ease Crohn’s and Colitis Symptoms

Improving your overall health is an important first step in managing IBD symptoms. Your treatment plan should target your lifestyle holistically, from all angles, with the joint goals of reducing inflammation and minimizing the number of flare-ups you experience. Some proven strategies include:

1.   Reduce stress

Your nervous system is intricately connected to with your digestive system. Stress, particularly the kind of chronic stress that never seems to let up, can lead to an imbalance of bacteria in your gut. (Also known as dysbiosis.)

In order to relieve the physical effects of stress on your body, a variety of mindfulness activities such as yoga, meditation or tai chi can be very helpful.

2.   Exercise

Working out while you’re experiencing symptoms of IBD can be difficult. However, research has shown that exercising can help to reduce the severity of gastrointestinal disorders. With IBD it’s especially important to listen to your body and focus on exercise such as yoga which is lower in intensity, as working out too intensely can actually create a stress response and exacerbate symptoms.

3.   Work On An Elimination Diet

Food sensitivity testing is crucial for IBD. By eliminating foods that trigger inflammation in your GI tract you will significantly reduce the pain, inflammation and discomfort associated with IBD.  We have seen many IBD patients be able to stop their medications and live a healthy discomfort free life just by changing thier diet. It’s possible!

What Foods Trigger IBD?

Although everyone is different, some common triggers include:

  • Gluten/Wheat
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Fried foods
  • Fatty foods
  • Many dairy products
  • Chocolate
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Large meals
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Foods with a lot of fructose, such as apples and many dried fruits

4. Use probiotics

Restoring the bacterial balance in your gut with probiotic supplements can ease symptoms. However, you’ll get the best results if you work with a healthcare practitioner to ensure you’re taking the best type of probiotic. Not all probiotics are the same, so you want to make sure you select the best one for your condition.

5. Consider Herbal And Nutritional Supplements

Talk to your healthcare provider about supplementation, as a number of natural supplements have shown promising results in treating Crohn’s and Colitis, including:

  • Boswellia (also known as frankincense)
  • Glucosamine
  • Turmeric (Curcumin)
  • Berberine

6. Stay Abreast Of New Treatment Options

Although much work still remains to be done, it’s a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider about recent medical research. IBD is an area where promising discoveries and potential new treatments are emerging often. For example, trials have been conducted on the effectiveness of fecal transplants, in which healthy stool is “transplanted” into an inflamed large intestine in hopes of restoring the balance of healthy bacteria. Other exciting findings involve stem cell research.

If you have been diagnosed with or are experiencing the symptoms of Crohn’s or Colitis, you should know that there is reason for hope. Many natural supportive treatments prove quite effective, and new developments are on the horizon. Come into the office and we can work together to improve your digestive health!



How to Conquer Stress and Put the Joy Back in the Holidays

December brings festive parties, fun times with family, favourite traditions… and stress. How much stress? According to a Healthline survey, the combination of joy and pressure that makes up the month of December means that more than 60% of us find the holiday season somewhat to very stressful.

Considering the many factors that make up holiday stress: the tricky family politics, the joys of winter weather, busy schedules getting in the way of regular exercise, the endless appetizers, and of course the extra cash outflow that’s synonymous with the season, the real question is how do we NOT end up feeling this way.

One study found that North Americans spend about $1,000 extra in the month of December. That can definitely impact your budget! And for many people, that financial hit just adds insult to injury. It’s not surprising many of us end December feeling as though we need a holiday from our holiday.

How Stress affects Your Digestion

Have you ever noticed that the gut-brain connection kicks into overdrive in December? It makes sense. There’s extra stress, and of course there’s also extra food. And to further complicate matters, it’s often the kind of food that can wreak havoc with your gut.

Fight or Flight

Every part of your digestive system can be affected. When cortisone kicks in, your esophagus can go into spasm, reduced digestive activity can mean that food sits in your stomach like a brick, and blood flow can slow down in the gut as your body prioritizes the blood supply to the muscles – also known as “fight or flight” mode. This shift can lead to an imbalance of bacteria in your gut that results in cramping, diarrhea, constipation, and a variety of other digestive issues. The whole process isn’t exactly festive.

Calming the Digestive System

How can you combat the Great December Bellyache? Taking a few minutes to meditate or breathe deeply before a meal can trigger your body’s “relaxation response”, switching on your parasympathetic nervous system which controls digestion. This brings the blood flow back to the stomach and intestines, allowing digestion to take place as it should. As an added bonus, this practice may also lead to more mindful eating at a time of year when eating more consciously can be very beneficial. One study even found a correlation between meditation and increased vegetable and lower meat consumption (without any prompting of participants to choose certain foods).

It’s a good idea to increase your consumption of fermented foods like kefir, yoghurt, and kimchi, or even take a probiotic supplement during times of stress to help maintain healthy gut bacteria.

Stress Can Give You Back Pain

Anxiety, stress, and back pain often come together in a distressing trifecta. To make matters worse, they often intensify each other. How does that work? When you’re stressed, your muscles tense up. That creates more stress, and more tension. In fact, chronic stress – and chronic pain – can eventually rewire the way your brain works.

Tense Muscles Affect Your Breathing

To further complicate this dynamic, many people find that tense, rigid torso muscles restrict breathing. Again this creates a vicious cycle, since shallow breathing can exacerbate pain. So when you’re in pain, you can’t breathe as well, and when you can’t breathe as well, you feel more pain.

It’s no wonder many complain of back pain at this time of the year – especially when you factor in physical stressors like shovelling snow or decorating the house.

The Role of Posture

Paying more attention to your posture is a good first step to getting a handle on back pain. It may sound simple, but working with a healthcare practitioner on your everyday movement patterns at work and at home can bring your body back into alignment, reducing tension, relaxing your muscles and improving your breathing – all of which have a positive effect on breaking the cycle of pain.

Treat Yourself

Also, consider indulging yourself with some pain-relief treats! (After all, self-care does not need to take a break during the busy season.) Invest in a restorative yoga class or a therapeutic massage. Not only will you relieve some of the emotional pressure that comes with the season, manual therapies can help break the cycle of stress and back pain.

How Stress Affects Sleep

Do visions of sugarplums dance in your head in December? Or would nightmares about bill payments be a more accurate description?

In addition to financial stress, many other factors can impact your sleep in December. We’re often eating and drinking more, as well as staying out later.

Sleep Hygiene

However, it’s still important to maintain a solid sleep hygiene routine during these busy times. Try to stick to your regular schedule as much as possible (yes, even on weekends).  Create a sleep-inducing bedtime routine. That means putting your phone and other devices away a couple of hours before bedtime, and keeping them out of your bedroom while you sleep. (Many people say that they need their phone alarm to wake them up, but an old-fashioned alarm clock can also do the job.)

Making sure your room is cool, dark, and quiet is another essential element of a good night’s sleep. Fortunately, many products are available that can optimize your environment, including blackout shades, white noise machines, humidifiers, and fans.

Supplements for When Sleep Eludes You

Effective supplements are available to help you through a rough patch and get you back on track with your sleep.


Many people have good experiences with melatonin, for example. An important point about melatonin is that it is made naturally in your body to bring on sleep, so it has few side effects. It can, however, interact with some medications so always talk to your doctor before taking melatonin, especially if you already take a prescription antidepressant or sleep aid.


Valerian contains a number of compounds that may help promote calmness, improve stress response and maintaining adequate levels of mood-stabilizing brain chemicals. It’s been coined nature’s valium and has been known to work well for sleep issues (mainly insomnia).  Please note that it can take up to 10 days for valerian to reach it’s maximum effect.


Magnesium is a mineral that helps the muscles to physically relax and let go, taking a magnesium supplement or an Epsom Salt bath is a safe and effective part of a relaxing bedtime routine.

‘Tis the Season for Self-Care and Connections

Of course, the best way to treat stress is to tackle it at the source. And at this time of the year, we’re all too often the source of our own stress. Maybe we got so caught up in finding the “perfect” presents and hosting the “perfect” party that we forgot the real purpose of the holidays – connection. The plain truth is that a memorable holiday does not have to cost a lot of money or stress if we stay mindful of what the holiday is really about.

The Best Present of All

In fact, at least one study has found that the best gifts are experiences, not things. And often, the key component of a memorable experience is the company you’re with. So instead of pushing yourself to buy more or do more, consider putting some time aside to just hang out with your friends and family, or attend community events. In the end, human connection is what we all want for the holidays.

Looking for a little extra help to stay healthy in December and tackle 2020 on the right foot? Come into the office and we can review your self-care routine together and set you up for a great energetic and healthy 2020!!




7 Ways To Avoid Packing On Extra Pounds This Holiday Season

Do you have big plans for January? Many of our patients say they’d like to take control of their health in 2020. That often includes losing some extra pounds.

However, it’s always important not to get caught up in the numbers on the scale. Instead, a good alternative goal is to focus on lowering your body fat (but only if that would help your general health) and raising your energy levels. In other words, your goal should always be to improve your overall quality of life, not to chase after an often-elusive number on a scale.

No matter why you want to lose weight, it’s important to approach your New Year’s resolution with a strategy that will raise your odds of success. (Here’s a sobering fact: About 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by February.)

The Run-Up to the New Year

Think about it. We often coast through December, eating, drinking, and neglecting our usual fitness routine. Then January arrives and we expect our body to adjust to an austere new regime. It’s no wonder that many people give up.

Believe it or not, it’s possible to prime your body to get ready for January’s resolutions while still enjoying the holidays. That includes revving up your metabolism so it’s ready to deal with dietary changes. And it’s even possible to do this during the busy month of December. Here are some steps that can help.

7 Ways to Avoid Packing On Extra Pounds This Holiday Season

1. Watch What You Eat

This is not just about how much you eat. The macro and micronutrient choices you make when selecting your food can change how efficiently your body metabolizes fat. In particular, include a source of protein with every meal. One reason for this is that it helps your body maintain muscle tone. (You can lose muscle when you lose weight, which slows your metabolism.)

2. Don’t Cut Back On Sleep

Since we’re not technically moving during our sleeping hours, it doesn’t seem like that time should impact your base metabolism. However, researchers have found that getting adequate sleep, which for most people is around eight hours, is essential to good metabolism.

3. Develop a Herbal Tea Habit

While you’re celebrating the holidays, consider switching some of that eggnog and champagne for herbal tea. Not only is it lower in calories, you will be consuming more water, one of the main catalysts for weight loss, and warm water is soothing to your digestive system which improves metabolism. Peppermint tea is particularly good for a stomach that’s complaining about the extra food, whereas Chamomile sets you up for a good night’s sleep, and Rooibos tea is full of antioxidants as well as being a natural energy booster.

4. Get Enough Vitamin D

During the winter, and especially before you make any dietary changes, it’s a good idea to check your Vitamin D levels. In addition to its many other health benefits, new studies have found that vitamin D can help with weight loss. In one study, women with adequate levels of vitamin D in their bloodstream lost more weight than women who were deficient in vitamin D.

Note that it can be difficult to get enough vitamin D through diet alone. And at this time of the year, we often don’t get enough sun exposure to generate our own vitamin D. Supplementation is key this time of year.

5. Top Up Your Magnesium

Magnesium helps with many processes in your body, so many that a deficiency of magnesium is quite common. Although it may not directly impact weight loss, having adequate levels of magnesium can help you sleep more deeply, regulate your moods, and control your blood sugar. Those are all important elements to maintaining a healthy metabolism. Good sources of magnesium include leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, and dark chocolate as well as magnesium glycinate supplements.

6. Eat Probiotic Foods

Before you even start ramping up your healthy eating routine, get your gut in shape (from the inside!). Healthy gut flora can help with weight control. In fact, the makeup of the gut bacteria of overweight or obese people is typically different than that of people of healthy weight. In addition to fermented foods like kimchi or yoghurt, taking a high quality probiotic supplement in December can boost your gut bacteria levels. Not only can probiotics pave the way for better digestion in January, they also boost the immune system which makes for a healthier social season.

7. Stay Active

Yes, it’s hard when you’re busy. However, continuing to stay active will make it easier to hit the gym when you’re ready to ramp up your routine. Not only will your muscles stay limber, but you’ll also be taking steps to prevent your mind from slipping into a winter funk, which can impact your motivation.

The good news is that it doesn’t take too much to maintain your base fitness levels. Remember: It’s better to do a bit, every day, then to be a weekend warrior. So fit in some 20-minute workouts, try a short YouTube cardio video, or meet some friends at yoga (or even walk around the mall!). Your metabolism will be grateful that you did come January.

If you’re focusing on sustaining your metabolism so that you can crush those New Year’s resolutions in 2020, make sure you include strength training. Simply put, the more muscle you have, the more efficient your metabolism will be. Even when you’re just sitting still, you’ll burn more calories. If you’re not sure how to begin with all these tips, the best plan is to speak with an expert! We’d be happy to help you create a unique plan that suits you.

Yes, improving your metabolism can feel like a daunting task this time of the year. However, taking a few simple steps now can help get ready to meet your New Year’s resolutions head on!



Top 10 Tips for a Happier, Healthier 2020

This year will be different. This year you will turn things around and realize your goals towards happiness and health. You’ve got this! How do we know? Because we’re going to work together on making sure you know exactly what to do in order to be your best self.

Here’s a quick list of simple, proven tips that can help. Of course, when you’re making changes like these, it’s important to start off with realistic expectations. Remember that new habits can take a while to “click.” (One study found that 66 days is the average time to establish a new habit, although there’s a wide variation.) So be patient with yourself. Don’t give up if you have little slips now and then. You’re only human, after all.

Set Yourself Up For Success

Also, be sure to set yourself up for success by creating an environment that minimizes distractions. For example, if you’re trying to cut back on alcohol, you might find it easier to meet up with friends on walks instead of at pubs. That’s an obvious example, but you can take that philosophy further by taking a good look at your routines, your companions, and your home to make sure you’re supporting your goals.

10 Tips For A Healthy 2020

Ready to start having the best year ever? Here’s how.

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Did you know many of us walk around in a state of permanent dehydration? It’s true. And when we’re feeling tired or hungry, we often don’t realize that what we really need is just a big glass of water.

How much water should you drink? There’s no universal answer. One good indicator is the colour of your urine: It should be the colour of pale straw. And pay attention to your thirst cues. Often when we become conscious that we’re thirsty, we’re already dehydrated.

2. Take five minutes to meditate

If you find the concept of meditation too intimidating, focus on achieving just five minutes of stillness. Yes, just five minutes of mindful meditation can make a difference to your physical and mental health. In the time it takes you to scroll through Facebook, you could take an important step towards lowering your blood pressure, your risk of depression, your anxiety, and much more.

You can find many apps and videos on the Internet, but here’s a short primer:

1. Meditate in a quiet spot.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Inhale through your nose and into your lungs.

4. Fade outside noises out.

5. Set your focus internally.

6. Begin breathing with your diaphragm.

7. Focus on rhythmically breathing.

8. Defocus your thoughts for internal tranquillity.

3. Focus on whole foods

The world is full of complicated diet plans, but this one step is key. Eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. (So instead of a piece of apple pie, have an apple.) Think about your average grocery store trip: You want to buy as much food from the outside edge of the store as possible. (That way, you buy more things like produce and lean healthy protein, instead of boxes of crackers.)

One thing that can make this step a bit easier is to buy local as often as possible. Check out the local farmer’s market or farm store, for example. You’ll be eating produce that hasn’t travelled from who-knows-where, so it will be fresher. Plus, you’re helping the environment!

4. Unplug

What’s the first thing you do when your electronic device is experiencing problems? Unplug it. That’s also good advice for humans. When you’re stressed, overwhelmed, or just tired, consider putting your phone away for a while. You might be surprised by the results.

In fact, more and more research is pointing to the negative effects of screen time on our mental health, as well as our physical health. (“Tech neck” is just one example.) If you find device detox challenging, don’t hesitate to get help. This may be a bit ironic, but there are apps that can help you cut down on screen time.

5. Eat for gut health

Scientists are learning more about the importance of the gut-brain-axis connection. What does this mean? In simple terms, the bacteria in your gut can influence your moods – and vice versa.

When your gut microbiome is out of balance, you can experience many health problems, including that annoying “brain fog” feeling. You can also suffer from the effects of a weakened immune system.

Fortunately, the solution is simple. And delicious. Eating fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and natural yogurt like kefir will help restore the balance of bacteria in your gut. Eating foods high in fiber will help fuel that bacteria.

6. Rethink the sweet treats

The harmful effects of sugar extend far beyond what you may realize. Your skin, your heart, your moods, your teeth, your immune system are all hurt by this tasty poison.

However, what makes avoiding sugar particularly tricky is that it’s often hidden. You probably know to avoid donuts, but sugar can also be found in everyday items like salad dressing and spaghetti sauce. So when you’re trying to cut down on sugar, start by reading the labels on all processed foods.

7. Stretch!

It might feel like stretching at the end of the workout is a waste of time. After all, you’ve done the important stuff, like build strength and improve your cardio, right? However, stretching can improve your flexibility and mobility, reduce your risk of injury, and reduce stress levels. So take some at the end of your workouts, or when you first wake up, to stretch out your muscles.

8. Help others

Looking for a way to improve your physical health, boost your overall life satisfaction, and reduce your risk of depression? The solution may lie outside of yourself. In other words, if you place more attention on helping others, you could be the one who benefits.

9. Take a walk outside

Just a short walk every day can improve your:

  • Circulation
  • Mood
  • Muscle tone
  • Risk of heart trouble
  • Vitamin D levels
  • Blood sugar
  • Immunity

Just 30 minutes a day is enough to reap the benefits. Look for excuses to get outside in place of driving, or start the day with a nice stroll.

10. Smile and have fun!

Sometimes it can feel like the road to health is paved with work and sacrifice. However, simply choosing to view a healthy lifestyle with attitude of gratitude can make it easier to carry out your plans. After all, things like eating well, resting, and getting some exercise add to your life. Focus on the fun aspects: try new recipes, walk with friends, find a volunteer job that lets you explore a long-buried interest. You’ll be happy that you did

Are you ready to have a great year? We are definitely ready to help you take charge of your health for a fantastic, healthy 2020! Give us a call!





Improve Your Memory With Lifestyle Changes

We all have momentary memory lapses. If you’ve ever searched for your lost car in a parking lot, or stumbled for a name mid-conversation, you know that feeling of having an important fact right at the edge of your mind … somewhere. Of course, as we grow older, those temporary memory blips become more troublesome because we tend to wonder if we’re experiencing normal memory problems or bigger issues. However, it’s important to remember (see what we did there?) that memory loss doesn’t have to be a normal part of aging. You can take many steps to protect your cognitive health. And no matter what age you are, improving your memory can improve your overall quality of life and health. 

A Healthy Memory

That’s because having a healthy, well-functioning memory is vital to your well-being, as well as your sense of identity. Just consider how certain scents can trigger emotional responses and memories. That process (called your olfactory memory) is an important part of the way memory manages our perception of the past (and present). In fact, studies have shown that olfactory memories have more power to create a sense of nostalgia than visual memories.

There Are Ways To Improve Your Memory

If you want to improve your memory, it’s helpful to consider the biology of memory and what can affect it. Memories are stored in your hippocampus, which is considered to be “plastic” because it is constantly changing and influenced by many factors. For example, the pathways to the hippocampus tend to lessen with age. Hormonal changes can also affect the cells’ ability to regenerate. As a result, many things can affect the functioning of your memory.

Things That Can Affect Memory Function:


Stress can lead to physical changes in the brain that affect memory function. It’s easy to notice this process in daily life. When you’re overwhelmed, you can feel as if there simply isn’t enough capacity in your brain to take in new information or recall important facts and tasks.

Hormonal Changes

Shifts in hormone levels, particularly the drop in estrogen that can accompany menopause, can lead to molecular changes in the hippocampus that affect memory formation.

Poor Dietary Habits

Your brain needs some “healthy” fats to thrive. However, saturated fat and too much processed, sugary food can impair memory, in part because too many sweet treats can lead to brain inflammation.


You can add “poor memory” to the list of reasons to stop smoking. If you’re struggling with this habit (and let’s face it, quitting isn’t easy), talk to a healthcare practitioner.


Believe it or not, even germ exposure can affect your memory. Scientists have found that exposure to some viruses (in particular, the herpes simplex 1 virus that causes cold sores) can affect memory.

Prescription drugs

Many commonly prescribed drugs can actually harm your memory. Anticholinergics (often prescribed for cold symptoms, incontinence, or allergies) and benzodiazepines (used to treat things like anxiety and insomnia) carry particularly high risk.  As always, be sure to weigh the potential negative side effects of any medication carefully.

Watching too much television

It’s true: Too many Netflix “binges” can hurt your memory. One study found that watching 3.5 hours of television a day (which is sometimes just a warmup for serious bingers) can negatively affect memory function.

Sleep problems

Recent research suggests that sleep is vital to “consolidating” memories. In other words, our brains aren’t just resting when we’re sleeping, but actually forming and protecting the memories we create during waking moments. When we’re not getting enough sleep, we lose that important processing time.

Thyroid issues

Low levels of thyroid hormone can lead to memory loss and “fuzzy thinking.”

Ways To Help Improve Your Memory

So, how can you help your memory? The list points to potential problems that can be managed. As well, exciting research in neuroscience is pointing to some simple solutions that can help your cognitive health.

1. Practice mindfulness and minimize distractions

Regular meditation can actually alter the physical structure of your brain. Improved blood flow and the creation of more neural connections are some of the paybacks from a regular meditation practice.

However, you also want to make sure your brain isn’t overloaded during the rest of your day. Did you know that we check our phones an average of every 12 minutes? That constant shifting of attention can impact cognitive processes. If you feel uncomfortable when you’re separated from your phone, it may be time for a little soul-searching.

2. Eat for brain health

A great deal of research supports the importance of a healthy diet in protecting brain health. In general, avoid overly processed foods and focus on:

●      Leafy greens

●      Berries and other antioxidant-rich foods

●      Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, walnuts and chia seeds

●      Turmeric (studies have found its anti-inflammatory properties can slow memory loss.)

●      Coconut oil (preliminary research points to a protective effect on memory)

3. Move for memory

Exercise helps more than your physical health. It can also boost your cognitive functioning. And it doesn’t take marathon workouts for exercise to have a positive impact on your memory.  Even short workouts can boost your recall powers.

4. Train your brain

It’s possible to train your brain to be more efficient. Try some of these simple “hacks” to improve your memory.

  • Repeat important information. For example, if you’re introduced to someone, repeat their name back to them. That helps “check in” new facts.
  • Play with mnemonics. You may have learned the names of the Great Lakes through the HOMES acronym. Why not create your own acronyms in order to remember lists of items?
  • Draw maps. If you have a lot of info to keep track of, try creating a map on a piece of paper. Put the central piece of information in the middle, then draw all of the relevant connections from that point.
  • Work with your environment. Don’t hesitate to place little reminders in strategic places. Some people have luck with post-it notes, but they can be more subtle, such as placing a photograph of a loved one who has an approaching birthday beside your bed.
  • Press replay. Immediately after an event, replay the important elements in your mind. That will help imprint the things you want to remember.
  • Create a memory palace. Try picturing a room that you know very well, and associating each object in the room with an important fact you want to remember.

Note that there are many programs out there that claim to help cognitive health and improve your memory. However, this is an unregulated industry so it’s important to do your due diligence before spending any money. And talking to a medical professional first is always a good idea.

If you’d like to discuss ways to support your memory, come into the office. Together we can pinpoint potential problems and work on lifestyle changes that will boost your brainpower!





Brain Fog: The Age of Distraction- What Is The Cost?

Here’s a challenge: Can you read this article from beginning to end without being distracted? And how will any distractions affect your ultimate understanding of the subject? The answers might surprise you.

We tend to think that distractions are a normal part of life, but it’s often a valuable exercise to take a step back and consider the impact of constant interruptions. Why is this important? Like most people, you have a lot to accomplish every day. You also have goals you want to reach. Perhaps you want to work towards greater health, making a bigger impact with the work you do or improve your relationships. And not being able to focus can impact your ability to reach those goals.

The Hidden Cost of Distraction

Interestingly, many people argue that they are more efficient when they are busy and multi-tasking. And in fact, researchers have found that we do actually work faster when we’re faced with a lot of distractions. That may be because we subconsciously feel that we have to overcompensate for the interruptions.

Higher Anxiety

However, studies have also found that the cost of distractions affects something far more important than your productivity: your wellbeing. That’s because distractions make you feel more stressed and anxious. And higher levels of anxiety can affect every part of your body.

Lower Accuracy

As well, being distracted can affect your accuracy. It makes sense: Your brain can only handle so much input at a time. However, what is surprising is how little it takes to derail your focus and affect your accuracy. As little as three seconds of distraction (the time it takes to glance at your phone after it beeps) can affect your focus and, in turn, your accuracy.

Distraction Recovery Time

The effects of even short distractions are startling. One study found that it takes an astounding 23 minutes and 15 seconds to regain your focus after an interruption. Let’s put that in perspective for a moment. How often does your phone ring or beep while you’re doing something else? If it takes over 20 minutes to recover from every notification, how much of your day is spent in “distraction recovery”? And does the loss of that time affect your long-term health and your goals?

Altered Memory Function

Consider what happens when you are looking things up while you watch a movie. Do you really follow the plot as carefully? Do you remember the details of the movie as well? Science suggests that you don’t. In fact, researchers have found that the way we remember things has changed since the advent of the Internet. Our memory functions have been altered.

How To Prevent Distractions

If you would like to minimize the impact of distractions in your life, it’s important to recognize the distinction between a needed break and a distraction. A break can be a good time to recharge and clear your mind. We’re typically more productive after we have stepped away from work for a bit. Breaks that are planned usually provide an incentive to work hard. In contrast, a distraction can come out of nowhere.

Although we tend to think of distractions as out of our control, we can take steps to reduce them.

1.    Take Control Of Your Devices

Yes, we all rely on our phones – but do we really need to be notified every single time something happens? This is a personal preference and will depend on your situation, but it helps to be aware that you can customize your phone’s notifications. For example, parents are often reluctant to turn their phones off in case their kids need them, but you can adjust your settings so that all but a few specific contacts are muted.

It’s ok to let people know that, starting now, you may not respond right away to email or text messages. If you get a lot of email at work, a good habit is to set aside specific times for checking your email, for example once every two hours or in the morning and at the end of the day.

2.    Turn Off Your Notifications

It might feel like an adjustment at first to do away with the little red dot that tells you how much has been happening on Facebook, Twitter or in the news, but you’ll soon realize that you don’t miss anything important. You simply gain more control over when and where you get information. (It might help to remember that the ultimate goal of the apps on your device isn’t to keep you informed – it’s to make money by grabbing your attention.)

3.    Schedule Your Breaks

It’s important to take a break when focused on a lengthy task. You’re less likely to be distracted and stay on task if you schedule a bit of time to relax – see it as a reward if that helps. Regular breaks can actually make you more productive! However, those breaks should mindful ones, not filled with more things begging for your attention. So take a walk, meditate, or even have a quick nap. The important thing is to clear your mind.

4.    Train Yourself To Regain Focus

Now that you understand how long it can take to regain your focus after each distraction, make a conscious effort to get back on task faster!

Does The Way You Live Your Life Make It Harder To Pay Attention When It Matters?

It’s also important to look at how aspects of your lifestyle can affect your focus. If you’re rested and healthy, distractions may not impact you as much as they would otherwise.

Simple adjustments like introducing a 10-minute-a-day meditation practice, or going to bed 30 minutes earlier, can positively impact your ability to focus and improve your response to interruptions.

Brain Fog

Outside Influences That Can Affect Your Focus

If you have tried all the tricks and still find it difficult to stay on a task it might be a good idea to check in on your health. Many imbalances such as thyroid problems, cortisol deficiency, hormonal and neurotransmitters imbalances and nutrient deficiencies can lead to Brain Fog, or “foggy thinking”, and slow response times.  The good news is, we can help you to uncover these issues with a proper health assessment that includes lab tests.

How are distractions affecting your health? It’s something to think about.  if you have been making efforts but still find it harder to focus than before – brain fog, forgetfulness, there could be more factors at play so give us a call!



