Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: Treating This Autoimmune Disorder With Lifestyle Changes

A diagnosis of Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, means that your thyroid gland is not producing high enough hormone levels to carry out its many roles in the body.

Thyroid hormones play roles in a wider range of physical functions than most of us realise, so when those hormone levels get out of whack, the entire body can be affected. There can be a number of reasons this happens, ranging from nutritional deficiencies to radiation, with one of the more common reasons being an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Is More Common Than You May Think

Affecting approximately 10% of women over the age of 30, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. Some studies put the incidence of Hashimoto’s as high as five percent of the overall population.

What is Hashimoto’s?

The condition gets its name from the Japanese physician who first identified it in 1912.  It’s important to understand that Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disorder.  In other words, with Hashimoto’s, your immune system somehow perceives that your healthy thyroid is a threat to your wellbeing, and attacks it in response.

Autoimmune disorders like this can be frustrating since they often don’t have a direct, easily identified cause. They can also be tricky to diagnose. In fact, up to 60 percent of people who have a thyroid issue don’t know that they have it.

Who Is At Risk Of Hashimoto’s?


Certain conditions can make it more likely that you will develop Hashimoto’s. For example, women are from five to eight times more likely to develop the disease.

Previous Autoimmune Disease

Your risk is also highest at middle age. Having other autoimmune disorders (such as lupus, celiac disease, or rheumatoid arthritis) can also make you more vulnerable.

Gluten Intolerance

Some research has linked Hashimoto’s to diets high in gluten.  Although gluten doesn’t directly cause Hashimoto’s, gluten consumption does seem to increase the risk for autoimmune disorders in general. And interestingly, people with celiac disease are three times more likely to have a thyroid problem.


Other research suggests a link between chronic stress and Hashimoto’s. This connection could be due to the interaction between stress and our immune systems.

What Are The Symptoms Of Hashimoto’s?

The symptoms of Hashimoto’s often build slowly, which is why they often go unnoticed. As the thyroid experiences more damage, many people find they become increasingly tired. In fact, overwhelming fatigue is one of the most common complaints with this disease.

You may also experience a long list of frustrating symptoms, including:

●       Weight gain

●       Muscle aches

●       Thinning hair

●       Dry skin

●       Constipation

●       Fertility problems

●       Poor cold tolerance

●       Depression

●       Memory issues

●       Hoarseness

●       Low libido

●       Unexplained tiredness

●       A lump at the base of the throat, due to an enlarged thyroid

Many of the symptoms listed above are easy to blame on other health issues – even simply growing older. However, the long term-effects of Hashimoto’s can greatly affect your quality of life. And over time, low levels of thyroid hormone can lead to elevated cholesterol levels. That’s why it’s important to seek help if you suspect Hashimoto’s.

How Is Hashimoto’s Diagnosed?

Many conventional medical doctors run just one test for thyroid problems – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). However, because thyroid problems can be complex, the result doesn’t always provide an accurate diagnosis. High TSH may well indicate that the body is trying very hard to stimulate an under-responsive thyroid gland, however it doesn’t tell us why. And a normal TSH result does not rule out more complex issues.

For a thorough evaluation of your thyroid health, more in-depth testing is often required. After all, your body works as an integrated unit, and TSH is just one piece of the puzzle.

Help! I am Having Trouble Managing Hashimoto’s. What Can I Do?

Hashimoto’s is typically treated with a thyroid hormone supplement to restore the body’s levels. However, many patients have difficulty finding the exact level of supplementation to alleviate their symptoms.

A holistic approach aims to address the root cause of the autoimmune condition, in addition to supporting the thyroid and using thyroid hormone supplements as needed. This usually means making improvements to your overall health, diet and balancing other hormone levels to support the whole system.

Supplements For Hashimotos’s

Supplements that may help include:

●      Selenium

●      Vitamin B12

●      Zinc

●      Adrenal and immune balancing supplements

Lifestyle changes To Support Thyroid Health

Good habits can have a positive effect on Hashimoto’s, including:

●      Reduce the amount of sugar that you eat (and drink)

This includes sugar substitutes, which have been directly linked to Hashimoto’s. Artificial sweeteners can lower the number of “good” bacteria in your gut, which can negatively impact your immune system.

●      Watch Your Gluten Intake and get tested for food sensitivities

Gluten and autoimmunity are interconnected, so it is a good idea to reduce the amount of gluten in your diet. Quinoa and rice are both good replacements, as are gluten-free crackers made with flax seeds. Keep in mind that the goal is to add variety to the diet, so avoid replacing all gluten products with a highly processed corn based version. 

It’s also important to check for other food sensitivities as all food sensitivities can worsen hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

●      Focus on natural, high-fibre foods such as vegetables and lower sugar fruit

Because of the important link between gut health and immunity, keep your gut in top shape by consuming enough fibre to keep things moving.

●      Reduce stress

Yes, that’s easier said than done in today’s busy world! However, it’s also important to remember that looking after your own health (even if that means cutting back on your responsibilities) will ultimately make you better able to look after your loved ones and your other responsibilities. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so taking care of yourself is step one in taking care of others.

If you recognize the symptoms of Hashimoto’s described above, or if you’ve been given a diagnosis but are having trouble managing your symptoms, let’s talk. Together we can get a handle on your energy, weight and immune balance so that you can start feeling like yourself again!




How Meditation Eases Anxiety in Uncertain Times

Tense muscles. Obsessing about the news. Anxiety about the future. Difficulty sleeping. Do all of these sound familiar? You’re definitely not alone. There’s no doubt that we are living with a lot of uncertainty right now.

How can we cope? 

Doing Nothing To Cope With Everything

The answer might be as simple as doing…. nothing. Simply sitting still and mindfully clearing your thoughts through meditation has an astounding number of benefits that are vital right at this point in history. 

In fact, fostering an ongoing meditation practice can change the structure of your brain, providing benefits that continue when you have finished meditating.

In short, meditation may be one of the best things you can do for yourself in troubled times.

The Benefits Of Meditation

Some of the many positive things that can happen when you meditate include:

Lower Blood Pressure

Meditation can decrease the “flight or fight” hormones in your body. As a result of this relaxation response, your blood vessels open up, which in turn improves your blood pressure.

Less Stress-Induced Inflammation

Excess cortisol, one of the central stress hormones, can lead to inflammation in many parts of the body – a common example of this is the gut, with digestive issues being common during times of high stress. Because meditation can lower the amount of cortisol you produce, inflammation is reduced.

Embracing Uncertainty

Despite all of the health benefits, the ultimate goal of meditation isn’t necessarily focused on physical results. It’s more a process of learning to embrace uncertainty.

A More Positive Outlook

Who doesn’t need a more positive outlook right now? Meditation has been found to actually alter (in a good way) the parts of your brain responsible for positive thoughts. As well, by becoming more aware of your thoughts, you can fend off negativity.

Reduced Anxiety And Fewer Obsessive Thoughts

It’s perfectly normal to be experiencing anxiety and obsessive thoughts when faced with a pandemic. However, those thoughts can spiral out of control and negatively affect family members as well as your health. High cortisol levels even lower your immune response, and we all want a strong immune system right now.

How Does Meditation Help With Negative Thoughts?

It can be difficult to imagine gaining control over the thought train when world events, and the changes to our daily lives, seem so overwhelming.

However, meditation teaches us how to experience and sit with those thoughts – without panicking or feeling like we need to repress them. With a little practice, you should be able to just sit with your thoughts and feelings, without judgement or analysis, and start to process them without spiralling out of control. You can be present in the moment without projecting into the future or ruminating on the past.

And right now, faced with so many unknowns, that’s particularly important.

Why Start Now?

You might feel that now is not a good time to start meditation. After all, you’re likely stuck at home and perhaps feel antsy and confined. Who wants to sit still? However, mediation has proven to be an effective mental health treatment and right now we need to be focusing  not just on our healthy body but also…a healthy mind.

How To Start Meditating

Many people find the thought of taking up meditation a bit intimidating. After all, it has had an esoteric reputation through the ages. It’s important to know that you don’t have to “master” meditation. It’s OK to be imperfect. Your mind will probably wander, and you may feel uncomfortable at first. That’s perfectly normal.

Setting Up Your Practice

The good news is that it’s surprisingly simple to get started. In basic terms, you just need to:

●       Find a comfortable place. Ideally, it will be quiet.

●       Sit in a natural position.

●       Breathe normally.

●       Focus on your breath.

Try not to overthink this: just focus on each exhalation and inhalation. It’s not necessary to force anything.

●       If your mind wanders:

(And since you’re human, there’s a good chance that it will) try to sit back and “observe” your thoughts. Don’t analyze them. And don’t scold yourself for losing focus. It’s all part of the process. They are just passing through your brain.

How Long Should You Meditate?

You may have heard of people going on week-long meditation retreats. That’s great – but it’s not really necessary. Just a few minutes a day is a good start. In fact, studies have found that just five minutes can have significant benefits.

And who doesn’t have five extra minutes?

How Often Should You Meditate?

Consistency is a key component of a successful meditation practice. Try to carve out a few minutes a day to dedicate to your mental health. Some people find that it helps to make it the same time every day.

Resources To Get Your Meditation Practice Started

There are quite a few wonderful resources available to help you get started with meditation should you need a little help – here are a few of our favourites:



Wherever You Go, There You Are

Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics

There are many reasons to start meditation. Why not start now? Let us know how you get on – and remember that we are here to support your health and wellness.

Our clinic is still (virtually) open via telehealth – phone or video call , Simply send us an email or book online.




Chronic Stress Can Affect Your Immunity

If you’re like most people, you’ve read a lot of tips on avoiding COVID-19. You likely know the basics: Wash your hands; keep a safe distance from others; avoid travel and quarantine yourself if you have traveled; and don’t go out at all if you experience any symptoms.

Staying Healthy Starts On The Inside

However, it’s also important to acknowledge that staying healthy starts on the inside. The defense system we all need to take care of in these crazy times is our immune system.

Yet here’s the irony: When we are stressed, our immunity becomes weaker. And right now, we’re all stressed about sickness among other things. Just when we all need a strong immune system, chronic stress has the potential to weaken our defenses.

How Stress Affects The Immune System

Why does stress weaken immunity? The process makes perfect sense if you think of how we lived for most of human history.

Not too long ago, if we perceived a threat, such as a predatory animal in the wild, we had to respond – and quickly! In that sense, our body is primed to protect us.

Fight Or Flight

Let’s take a look at the “flight or fight” response and how stress changes us on a physiological level.

  • Blood pressure goes up.
  • Heart rate goes up.
  • Serotonin levels drop, because you need to stay awake.
  • Insulin sensitivity is impaired.
  • Digestion slows down to preserve energy.
  • Cholesterol goes up.
  • The body pumps stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol into your bloodstream.

All of these changes are designed to make sure that you have enough energy in the right places – ie the arms and legs – to respond to stress appropriately – ie fight or run.

Resource Hoarding

That’s because your body wants to put all of its resources into dealing with the immediate threat. This response is actually very helpful – if you need to escape a predator. However, in today’s world, stress is typically more chronic and, let’s face it, unrelenting.

And that’s where the problems start.

Adaptive Physiology

Our body’s ability to respond to stress is called “adaptive physiology.” To understand this, it might help to think of your nervous system as actually two systems:

  • Your sympathetic nervous system powers the Fight or Flight response that you need in the face of danger.
  • Your parasympathetic nervous system is behind the “Relax and Recharge”, aka “Rest and Digest” response you need in between periods of stress. Without this response, your body’s systems would stay in overdrive.

Essentially, the way in which these two systems work together is not unlike the brakes and gas pedals in your car. One speeds you up, and the other slows you down.

Ideally, your body adapts depending on the situation. The Relax and Recharge period is essential to restoring balance in mind and body.

Putting The Breaks On Stress

Right now, many of us feel like the “gas” is always on, which is a perfectly understandable response when faced with a global crisis.

However, that kind of constant stress can lead to a long list of health problems if the sympathetic nervous system never turns off.

What happens to a car if you only touch the gas and never use the brakes? There’s a high likelihood of a crash.

Don’t Crash Your Immune System

Not surprisingly, your immune system suffers when you’re heading for a crash. All the things that happen during your flight or fight response can lower your immunity. And that’s exactly what you don’t want to happen right now.

6 Ways To Switch Your Body To A Parasympathetic State

So, what can you do? Isn’t stress inevitable at this moment in history? A good starting point is thinking of the two states of your immune system and doing what you can to reach a state of rest and restoration.

1.    Look at your mindset.

How you perceive a stressful situation will affect your body’s response to it. Perhaps you’re social distancing and feeling trapped and restless inside your home. That’s stressful. However, consider the difference between feeling stuck at home and feeling safe at home. That simple mental shift can help your nervous system remain in a restorative mode.

Don’t forget: You always have the opportunity to change your attitude.

2.    Seek connection.

In times of stress, you should be close to people who restore your sense of wellbeing. It’s important to feel connected and accepted, because a feeling of connection can boost your immunity.  However, how can you connect to others while also social distancing?

Fortunately, we’re lucky to live at a time with many options for video chats. Set up virtual coffee dates and regular meetings to touch base with those people who make you feel connected.

3.    Honour your body’s natural rhythms.

Many people are having trouble sleeping right now. However, it’s more important than ever to try to get between seven and eight hours a night. Even if your normal routine is disrupted, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule. That means going to bed at the same time every night (yes, even on weekends). As well, don’t dismiss the restorative powers of a good nap.

4.    Don’t overcommit.

We’re all under a lot of pressure right now. Take a close look at your commitments and think of how you can eliminate any unnecessary stress. Remember that the goal is to rest your nervous system.

What makes you feel refreshed and restored? Those are the activities to focus on.

5.    Eat to optimize your immune system.

Many studies backup the importance of essential nutrients in protecting your immunity. The ideal diet and supplements for you will depend on your unique health profile, but important nutrients include selenium, zinc, and vitamins A, C, and D. In addition, don’t overlook the importance of maintaining a balance of “good bacteria” in your gut. More and more research points to the connection between a healthy gut and a healthy immune system.

In fact, up to 80 percent of your immune cells are found in your gut. The interaction between your gut microbiota and your immune system helps protect you against foreign pathogens.

6.    Move your body.

Exercise can help your body’s nervous system maintain equilibrium. It can slow down the release of stress hormones and increase the number of disease-fighting white blood cells. As well, movement helps to regulate the communication between your brain and your body.

However, it’s important to move in a safe way – any irregularities in your body’s alignment can affect this process. Focus on doing something you love and making exercise a part of your daily routine. Consistency is the key! If you’re not sure exactly how to work out with gym closures, check out the multitude of workouts you can find online.

Prioritize Self-Care

Even in stressful times, it’s possible to optimize your immune system. Focus on your body’s need to restore and repair itself and prioritize your self-care. Taking steps towards staying healthy can help you gain a sense of control in an uncertain world. And that will ultimately strengthen your response to stress.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, please reach out. We can work together to create a plan that fits your unique needs!



7 Ways To Avoid The “Quarantine Fifteen”

Let’s start with the good news: If you’re self-isolating, you should have more time to devote to creating a healthy diet for yourself. At least, that’s the fantasy that many of us started out with a few weeks ago. However, terms like the “quarantine 15” and “isolation constipation” are starting to appear on social media.

It turns out that eating healthily and avoiding overindulging during a pandemic isn’t always easy, even if we have the best intentions.

How Emotions Affect Food Choices

Perhaps the biggest challenge is that we’re all human. It’s perfectly normal to be feeling a wide range of emotions right now, from hope to boredom, uncertainty to terror and even contentment – sometimes all within the same hour!

Many people turn to food when they’re stressed, whereas others can’t seem to stomach a bite when upset. All of these are perfectly normal reactions to a very unique situation.

The Role Of Cortisol In Comfort Eating

On the surface, it may seem that your motivation to dive into a plate of freshly baked cookies is that they are one of life’s few remaining pleasures.

But there are innate physiological reasons we reach for sweets when we’re stressed. When the body senses that it’s under threat, it releases more of the stress hormone cortisol. And cortisol has been tied to an increase in appetite. Some studies have found that the hormonal cycle (aka sugar high and sugar crash) created when we turn to sweets is actually addictive.

Sweet Seduction

On top of that, many people are turning to baking, both to avoid going to the grocery store and to stay busy. And if you’ve recently drooled over a photo of a friend’s perfect loaf of freshly baked bread you know that the seductive power of social media may also play a role.

Uneven Purchasing

In addition, having to limit our trips to the store can lead to an abundance of nonperishable foods like pasta in the cupboard, in contrast with a shortage of fresh produce in the fridge.

7 Ways To Avoid The “Quarantine Fifteen”

So, what’s a socially isolating person to eat in order to stay healthy? The most important thing is that you take it easy on yourself. Being overly self-critical can escalate the cycle of stress and overeating. Always keep in mind that we’re living through unprecedented developments. There is no “right” way to deal with these changes.

1 – Be Conscious Of Why You Are Grazing

It’s also useful to examine the causes behind any overeating. Do you walk through the kitchen every time you’re bored? Eat chips during your Netflix binge nights?

2 – Practice Mindfulness

Some interesting studies have found that developing a mindfulness practice through yoga or meditation can lead to better food choices. With its positive effect on overall wellbeing, there has never been a better time to take up mindfulness. One unexpected result could be healthier eating habits.

3 – Develop Soul-Nurturing Activities

Delving into activities that give you a sense of satisfaction can help replace the sense of boredom and want that leads to overeating. Look into rewarding pastimes such as fixing things in your home that have been on your to-do list, decluttering that long-ignored hidden shelf, sewing, knitting, felting, teaching your pet a new trick, or even building a raised planter to grow a unique mix of salad greens in the smallest of sunny spots.

Feed the need with self-pride instead of cookies.

4 – Shop Smart

Of course, you can’t eat food that isn’t in the house. So being more mindful of what you buy in the store or order online is also important. If you’re finding it difficult to stay stocked up on fresh produce, investigate produce delivery services in your area.

5 – Vary Your Sources

Local organic farms are a good place to source regular veggie boxes, or if those are not available look into new produce services that many local restaurants are running as a way to stay afloat. If you manage to stagger your shopping from different sources, you can improve your odds of having fresh produce when you need a snack.

6 – Plan For Nutrition

Becoming more conscious of your choices when you’re shopping will also help you make good food choices. Look for easy ways to add more nutrient-dense foods, such as:

  • Greens to add to smoothies
  • Alternatives to pasta such as zoodles (noodles made from zucchini squash)
  • Roasting root vegetables and keeping some on hand (these tasty veggies have the advantage of a long shelf life)
  • Try fermentation instead of baking (kimchi and kombucha are much better for your digestion than bread!)

If you’d like to continue baking, that’s great! Just keep in mind that you can find many gluten-free or health-oriented recipes online. You might discover some new favourites.

Keeping specific healthy meals and snacks in mind as you shop can help you ignore the less nutritious choices.

7 – Focus On Health Attributes

Knowing the physiological needs your food is meeting is another angle that can help you make good choices:

Foods That Support Your Digestion

Avoid “isolation constipation” by ensuring you’re consuming enough fibre. This is a great time to try new recipes with beans for example, which happen to also be cheap and easy to store. Here are some good recipes to start with!

Foods That Support A Healthy Immune System

Nutrients such as zinc and vitamins A and D can help support a healthy immune system. Foods rich in zinc include most seeds and nuts. Good sources of vitamin A include orange and yellow fruits and veggies as well as dark green leafy vegetables.

And of course, while we’re talking about immune supportive vitamins, remember to catch a few rays of sunshine to top up your vitamin D. You need skin exposure at the sun’s peak times to get your daily dose, that’s why most of us supplement this essential vitamin.

Aside from your diet, how are you holding up? It’s important to check in with others to maintain your wellbeing. If you would like to talk about ways to stay healthy while in isolation, give the office a call!


Curbing weight gain from emotional eating: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137864/

Why we overeat when we’re stressed: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4214609/

Yoga and mindful eating: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5932774/

Top Tips to Enhance Your Lung Function

It’s hard not to think about our lungs and how we can keep them healthy amidst all the uncertainty of this pandemic. Seeing our economies shut down and a global health crisis is something almost none of us have had to contend with at this level in our lives.

Best Practices For Lung Health

Understanding what you can do to help your lungs function at their best will help you in more ways than one so we are sharing some top tips you can do at home.

1. Practice Deep Breathing

Did you know that we normally only use about 50 percent of our lung capacity? Increasing the involvement of your entire lungs can help keep them healthy.

How Breath Works

Let’s take a moment to really examine how our breath works – and how we can improve it. When you take a deep breath, your diaphragm, muscles and lungs work in harmony to draw in oxygen. When you exhale, you expel carbon dioxide. You’ve probably noticed that taking deeper breaths has a different effect on your body than taking short, shallow breaths. You may also notice that stress tends to make your breathing more shallow and that taking deep breaths can be relaxing.

Involve The Whole Lung

Deeper breaths require greater involvement from more parts of your lungs. That means that the lower sections (where mucus can tend to collect) are activated and mucus is dislodged. Deep breathing has shown to be an effective way to support good lung function for patients with asthma and other respiratory disorders.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

What exactly does deep breathing mean? Try paying attention to the role your diaphragm plays as you inhale and exhale. It might help if you place a hand on your rib cage or at the top of your belly.  You should feel your diaphragm rise as you inhale, and lower as you exhale. That simple awareness can help you to consciously expand your lungs.

Maintaining good posture with a straight spine will also help you do this – you want to give your ribs space to expand. As well, count slowly with each breath. It should take just as long to exhale as it does to inhale. 

As an added bonus, this breathing exercise can help you to relax – and we all need more of that right now. Deep breathing can lower the production of stress hormones such as cortisol.

2. Exercise

Moving your body requires effort, oxygen and therefore deeper breaths, which can improve your lung capacity as well as supporting your physical health. Do whatever exercise feels good to you while, of course, ensuring that you are still practising appropriate social distancing.

Interval Training For Lung Health

Some evidence suggests that interval training can be a particularly good way to boost lung function, because alternating periods of exercise with periods of rest can help your lungs recover from the exertion as you continue to work out. As always, listen to your body.

3. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water can help thin the mucus in your lungs. As well, proper hydration is necessary for maintaining good health overall so it should always be a priority.

4. Breathe Through Your Nose

Protect Your Lungs From Particles

Those little hairs in your nostrils are there for a reason, they act as filters to keep the air you breathe clean, and they warm the air to minimize the shock to your lungs on a cold day. Breathing through your nose provides a buffer which helps to reduce the amount of extra “cleaning” work your lungs need to carry out.

5. Laugh More

Yes, it seems simple, but laughing truly is a great exercise to work the abdominal muscles, increase lung capacity and oxygenate the blood. And let’s face it…comedy moments are the best exercise ever!

6. Clean Cleaning

You’ve heard it before, but it’s worth repeating. If you’re not sure which products you should be using to clean your home, focus on not adding toxins into your environment but rather seeking out healthy cleaning supplies.

Natural Cleaning Products

Baking soda, vinegar and water have always been a tried and true cleaner, and there are plenty of more eco-friendly cleaning products available which use essential oils and natural ingredients. As much as possible, eliminate aerosol sprays and synthetic air fresheners which can be particularly irritating to the lungs.

7. Fresh Air Indoors

As the weather warms up, remember to open up your windows and let the fresh air in. If you live in an area that is busy with traffic, try waiting until night time to freshen up your house. Indoor air filters are another way to ensure the air quality in your home is optimal.

8. If You Smoke, Stop

Having healthy lung function is always important, but now more than ever we need to make sure our lungs and lung capacity are working at peak levels. Research shows that your lung function can start to improve as early as 2 weeks after quitting smoking.

We are living with a lot of uncertainty right now. Taking proactive steps to optimize your health is important and there are many things you can do to help improve your body’s resilience.

Wellness is achieved when the body is able to protect itself against imbalances, breakdowns, and foreign invaders. The human body has evolved powerful defense systems that help it to maintain optimal physical, mental and emotional states. Our lifestyle, past and current health issues as well as our ability to manage stress and trauma all play a role in our state of health.

Supporting our body’s innate ability to heal is not a short term solution to a problem but rather a daily plan to stay strong and resilient.

If you are looking for help to get your health optimized and work towards your unique version of resilience and wellbeing, give us a call. 415-590-2899.  We are here to help you!


Breathing study on adults with asthma:


Diaphragm breathing and stress: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5455070/

Benefits of deep breathing exercises: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24937500

Hydration and pulmonary problems: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14681718/

Exercise and coronavirus: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200331162314.htm

Smoking and COVID-19. https://www.livescience.com/coronavirus-covid-19-risk-and-smoking.html

Effects of quitting smoking


Is your Brain Aging Faster than you?

The adult brain loses an average of 85,000 neurons a day! When we are younger our brains are more active and are able to grow new neurons and make new connections.  These connections help with memory, learning, mood, and sleep.  However, as we age our ability to grow new neurons and connections decrease. This leads to lower activity and decreased brain function. This in addition to a lifetime of toxin exposure, poor diet, high stress, and lack of sleep significantly increase brain aging.

The good news is that if you supply your brain with the right nutrients and activity it can again grow new connections and restore optimal function.  In this way, Brain aging is optional.  If you provide it with the right building blocks and refrain from doing things that directly damage neurons your brain can stay young and healthy for a long time.

Brain Reserve

Not everyone’s brain ages the same way.  Some people can handle a huge amount of brain insults before seeing any changes in cognition, whereas others can notice significant changes in brain function with very little insult.   This phenomenon is due to Brain Reserve.

Brain reserve refers to the ability to tolerate the age-related changes and the disease-related pathology in the brain without developing clear clinical symptoms or signs.  A brain with a large reserve can handle more stress.  The more brain reserve you have the more resilient your brain is to toxicity, stress, lack of sleep, etc. and therefore can handle the aging process without developing symptoms of memory loss, anxiety, depression, and loss of cognition.

We’re all born with a set brain reserve that was established in utero. That amount of brain reserve could be more or less depending on the lifestyle habits of your parents while you were in utero. Smoking or being exposed to 2nd hand smoke, alcohol, chronic stress, infections, low nutrient diet can all deplete brain reserve.  If your parents ate well, didn’t have smoke exposure, and were not too stressed there would be an increase in brain reserve.   This depleting or boosting of brain reserve happens throughout the rest of your life depending on your lifestyle, activity, and diet.  Chronic stress, smoking, drugs, sleep deficiency, poor diet, experiencing trauma, both physical and mental, concussions, and other head injuries will all deplete brain reserve. 

This depletion of brain reserve can lead to faster brain aging and more age-related cognitive symptoms because you don’t have as much as a cushion to absorb the stress.

So the key to slow down the aging brain is to boost brain reserve.  

So how do you do that?

  1. Give your brain the support it needs to heal
  2. Take away the things that hurt the brain

Some great first steps to help your brain boost it’s reserve include:

  1.  Sleep, sleep sleep.  You need a minimum of 8hrs of good sleep every night.
  2. Eat brain supporting foods – Mediterranean diet is a great option.
  3. Avoid all foods with added sugar – if there is sugar on the ingredient label leave it on the shelf.
  4. Reduce stress and promote relaxation – there are a few great apps and devices out there that help.   Also establish a set routine
  5. Give yourself time away from food – our brains love intermittent fasting
  6. There are some specific supplements that can help with brain function and repairing neurons and their connections.  Please reach out if you are interested in these and we can find the best ones for you.

Your everyday lifestyle is either boosting or depleting your brain’s reserve and thus is either accelerating or decelerating the aging process.  This means that you have a lot of influence on how fast your brain ages and that you yourself have the power to stop it with certain habit changes. 

Alzheimer’s disease is thought to begin 20 years or more before symptoms arise with changes in the brain that are unnoticeable to the person affected. Only after years of brain changes do individuals experience noticeable symptoms such as memory loss and language problems.  This means you have the time to make simple changes to promote brain health, boost it’s reserve, and reduce your risk of cognitive decline.

We’re in the process of putting together a Brain Kit with all the essentials to help you boost brain reserve and promote optimal brain health.  It includes meal plans, brain essential supplements and the latest technology in brain activation. The awesome thing about the kit is  that you can do at home! No appointments necessary! We’ll keep you posted… 



Top Tips To Support Your Adrenals

Carving out a home workspace and becoming a home-school teacher overnight – pandemic pivoting is tough. If you feel unsettled and exhausted, you’re not alone. But what if you were already feeling tired, stressed and overwhelmed before? Could your adrenal glands be part of the problem? While there is some debate about the term ‘adrenal fatigue’, we can all agree that stress levels are at an all-time high. People are burning out.  And the adrenal glands are major players in the stress response.

Symptoms of Adrenal Overload

Does this sound familiar?

You wake up tired. Even after a full 8 hours of sleep.

You can’t concentrate at work and rely on coffee and sugary treats to get through the day.

You can’t relax with your family in the evenings, feeling irritable, anxious and stressed.

You have trouble getting to sleep, and often wake up sweating during the night.

Wash, rinse, repeat. Whether we call it adrenal fatigue, adrenal dysregulation, cortisol deficiency or increased allostatic load, what do labels matter when your life looks like this?

Let’s get to know your adrenal glands – what’s actually happening during adrenal fatigue and what can you do about it?

Our Bodies are Old School

What’s the key to understanding where our adrenals fit into the stress response? Evolution.

Our bodies are old-school, designed for a world that no longer exists. Back in the prehistoric day, humans were very vulnerable to predators. When we saw a sabre-toothed tiger coming our way, we had to be ready to either fight it off or run away. Immediately. This ‘fight or flight’ response is literally designed to save our lives.

These days there may be fewer predators to run from, but we feel more threatened than ever. And because evolution hasn’t caught up to our modern lifestyle, our body treats physical and ‘emotional’ threats equally. In other words, the same stress response is initiated whether you’re running from a tiger or reading an unpleasant email.

The Adrenal Glands in Action

So, what actually happens in your body when a stressor hits, and how do your adrenal glands respond?

Let’s say you have a big work project due next week, and all is going well. Suddenly an email comes in from your boss – your deadline just got moved up. You now have 3 days to finish a project you thought you had 7 days to complete. Even before you finish reading the email you notice:

Your heart is pounding

Your breathing speeds up

Your muscles are tense

The HPA Axis: What Happens in the Body When Stress Hits

How did this happen in mere seconds? Let’s look at that scenario again.

Within seconds of opening the email, your brain identified it as a threat and sent the ‘get ready to fight or flee’ instructions to the hypothalamus gland.

The hypothalamus sent the super urgent messages directly to the adrenal glands – that’s why you became a heart-pounding anxious mess in seconds.

The hypothalamus also sent less urgent messages to the pituitary gland, which in turn relayed it to the adrenals glands.

These three glands form a stress-response team you may have heard of: the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis.

The Role Of The Adrenals

What messages did the adrenal glands receive?

  • Produce hormones (adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol amongst others)
  • Release them into the bloodstream to get to the muscles and organs that can take action.

The Body’s Response to Adrenal Hormones

And what actions do these target muscles and organs take when they get their hormonal instructions from the adrenals?

  • Increase heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Dilate pupils
  • Expand lung airways
  • Redirect blood to the heart, limbs and organs

Makes sense, right? This lightning fast process gives us the immediate energy, oxygen and blood flow needed to fight or flee, and more peripheral vision to see threats.

We Are Over-Taxing The System

Here’s the thing: this system is built for infrequent, physical emergencies. Now we mostly use it for  frequent, emotional emergencies. Or put another way: stress. What happens when stress is the rule rather than the exception and your adrenals are working overtime?

What Goes Up Must Come Down

When we keep asking the adrenals to produce and secrete their hormones repeatedly over long periods of time, the result is predictable: things start to break down. If we feel threatened or unsafe more often than not, the system that was designed to help us starts working against us.

Does Modern Stress Ever Go Away?

Herein lies the modern day problem: when does the threat pass? Or does it pass? Many of us are living under nearly constant low-grade stress. The signs your body is looking for to dial things back may never truly arrive, so the adrenals are working much more than they were designed to.

This leads to exhaustion, weight gain, brain fog, digestive issues, low sex drive and a suite of other unpleasant adrenal fatigue symptoms. 

Time To Step Out Of Fight Or Flight Mode

So what can you do to help your body get out of the flight or fight cycle and get back on track?

Find Your Threat Triggers

The best way to help your adrenals help you, is to figure out what you’re threatened by. This is a deceptively simple question, but an important one. We may think that we’re only threatened by truly life or death situations, but our physical reality says something quite different.

Keep a Stress Diary

Try this simple practice: observe yourself for a week to see when you exhibit the immediate stress response and note these incidents in your journal (or the Notes app on your phone). 

Because this complex response happens before you even think about it, it’s a very accurate indicator of what stresses you out. Do you get stressed when talking finances with your significant other? Getting a snarky email from a colleague? Talking to your child’s teacher?

It may not be an action –  it’s just as likely to be a fearful thought. How many fearful thoughts do you have in a day? An hour? While reading this article?

Learn What Triggers You & Dial It Back

When you really watch yourself, you may be shocked to see just how many times a day you’re unknowingly putting yourself into fight or flight mode. The goal is to learn which situations trigger you, identify the stress response, and learn to dial it back once you recognise its happening.

Supporting Your Adrenals With Nutrition

If stress tends to get the better of you, what you eat can help. Focus on eating a diet full of vegetables and healthy fats, and low in stimulants like sugar and caffeine.

Supplements That Support The Adrenals

Certain natural supplements may help as well, such as:


Curcumin, the active element in Turmeric, is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, but has also been researched for its ability to support mood and depression.

Licorice Root

Licorice has been studied for its role in helping to regulate cortisol and improve energy levels. It’s important to note that licorice can increase blood pressure, so it should not be taken if yours is already high or you take blood pressure medication.

Vitamin D

Often taken for its role in supporting a healthy immune system, low levels of vitamin D have been linked to the overproduction of cortisol.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb which has been shown to lower cortisol levels when taken twice a day. Make sure that the tea, tincture or capsule you chose specifies Rosea, as other types of Rhodiola may not have the same research backing.

Get to The Root Cause

These mindfulness-based strategies can help you bring your stress response back into balance – but the reasons why you are feeling reactive may run deeper. Remember all those hormones that the adrenal glands work so hard to produce?

A naturopathic doctor specializing in hormonal balance can run the right lab tests to check your hormone levels, and work with you to create a personalized adrenal fatigue treatment plan that will move you from a habitual stress response to a more relaxed frame of mind. We can also help you understand how to support your adrenal glands with the nutrients they need to promote your body’s ability to handle stress.

Time to get calm, strong, and capable of handling whatever problems your day, or the world, brings!


Dunlop BW, Wong A. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in PTSD: Pathophysiology and treatment interventions. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2019;89:361-379.

Dmitrieva NO, Almeida DM, Dmitrieva J, et al. A day-centered approach to modeling cortisol: diurnal cortisol profiles and their associations among U.S. adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013;38(10):2354-2365.

Liao J, Brunner EJ, Kumari M. Is there an association between work stress and diurnal cortisol patterns? Findings from the Whitehall II study. PLoS One. 2013;8(12):e81020.

Heim C, Ehlert, U, Hellhammer DH. The potential role of hypocortisolism in the pathophysiology of stress-related bodily disorders. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2000;25(1):1-35.

Buric I, Farias M, Jong J, et al. What Is the Molecular Signature of Mind-Body Interventions? A Systematic Review of Gene Expression Changes Induced by Meditation and Related Practices. Front Immunol. 2017;8:670.

Panossian A, Wikman G. Evidence-based efficacy of adaptogens in fatigue, and molecular mechanisms related to their stress-protective activity. Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2009;4(3):198-219.

Orban BO, Routh VH, Levin BE, Berlin JR. Direct effects of recurrent hypoglycaemia on adrenal catecholamine release. Diab Vasc Dis Res. 2015;12(1):2‐12. doi:10.1177/1479164114549755


Are Migraines Making You Miserable?

Migraines are more than really bad headaches. In addition to throbbing head pain, migraine symptoms include sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, vertigo, dizziness and sudden mood changes. They can cause agonizing pain that leaves you huddled in a dark room with a cold cloth on your forehead for hours or even days.

Are you tired of unpredictable migraines derailing all your plans? Let’s take a look at what triggers migraines and key lifestyle changes and supplements that can help.

Who is at Higher Risk of Migraines?

Genetics play a big role in who gets migraines. According to research, migraine tendencies are hereditary – but your genes only speak to your risk of getting migraines. Lifestyle and environmental factors can determine which gene expressions are turned on and off.

So even if migraines run in your family, you may never typically experience one. But if you go through a period (and who doesn’t?) of high stress, bad food choices and too little sleep, a migraine may strike out of the blue.

Women Are More Likely Than Men To Get Migraines

Women are three times as likely than men to get migraines. Changes in estrogen levels are a key migraine trigger factor, so the fluctuation of a monthly cycle, the onset of menopause, or a hormonal imbalance that is difficult to predict can all lead to issues. It’s not surprising men are at much lower migraine risk.

Common Migraine Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Migraines truly demonstrate the importance of personalized medicine. What triggers a migraine for one person, has no effect on another. Individual triggers are important to identify, but it’s usually a combination of triggers that bring on a migraine. Migraine-sensitive individuals have a ‘migraine threshold’ that can be met by numerous combinations and permutations of triggers. Once that threshold is crossed, the migraine is on its way.

Let’s take a look at some key triggers- see if any of these ring a bell!

Hormonal Changes

Changes in estrogen levels are key migraine triggers. Key life events that feature estrogen such as your period, pregnancy and menopause are all times when migraines are more likely to strike.

Low Estrogen

Low estrogen levels often go hand in hand with low serotonin levels, which can further contribute to a migraine by encouraging release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Not to mention the wild mood swings.

Stress Related Hormone Fluctuations

Stress interplays with our hormone pathways as well, creating the imbalance that triggers the migraine. Have you noticed that you get migraines more often after a difficult day? You’re not alone!

Foods and Beverages

Migraine food triggers are as individual as people. Food Sensitivity Testing can identify your personal food triggers, so you can avoid them. Here are the biggest migraine offenders:

●      Alcohol (especially red wine), coffee

●      Processed foods

●      Gluten

●      Dairy

●      Sugar

●      Aged cheese

●      Additives like MSG, nitrates or aspartame

Sensory and Toxin Overload

Avoid situations that involve bright lights, loud sounds and exposure to chemical smells. Paint, perfume and cleaning products are the worst triggers, as they contain hormone-disrupting environmental toxins.

Check Your Personal Care Products

Avoid chemical-laden personal care products and cleaners, and opt for more natural choices. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a great resource for toxin-free living. Their Guide to Healthy Cleaning rates more than 2,500 cleaning products and their Skin Deep Cosmetics Database rates over 87,000 products for toxicity risk. Don’t forget about sunscreen! Their 2020 Guide to Sunscreens is now out, featuring the safest sunscreens for sports, children, and moisturizers with SPF.

Weather Changes

You may notice you get migraines when it’s very humid, or on rainy days. Barometric pressure is the most common weather trigger, but you might also be reacting to changes in humidity, temperature, wind and sun conditions.

Limit Your Migraine Triggers At Any One Time

You can’t control the weather, but you can control how many triggers you’re exposed to at the same time if you know the weather is about to change. Some weather apps include ‘migraine forecasts’. Barometric pressure can change hours or even days before we actually see a storm. So if a migraine strikes on a clear, sunny day, chances are a storm is brewing. Consider yourself an early-warning storm system!

Daily Routine Changes

Our bodies function best with a consistent food and sleep routine. Skipping lunch to finish that work project? Staying up late to do laundry? Skimping on your water intake?

Too much disruption to your ideal routine and migraines could result. Try to keep at least one routine consistent, and not change too much at a time. Add alarms to your phone to keep sleep and meals on track. Your body will thank you by not going in migraine mode!


When a migraine hits, you’ll do almost anything to make the pain stop. Pain medications are a common solution, but over time they can make your migraines appear more often, cause more pain, and last longer. The same goes for medications for other migraine symptoms like nausea and vertigo, and high blood pressure meds.

Preventing Or Reducing Migraines

Did you see any familiar triggers in this list? The tricky thing is that what triggered you last week may not trigger you this week. Here are some tips that may help you prevent your next migraine, or reduce its severity:

Keep A Migraine Diary

Keeping a migraine diary for one to three months will reveal your migraine trigger patterns. With so many potential triggers, it’s vital to know what combination of circumstances will push you over your personal migraine threshold. Apps such as Canadian Migraine Tracker, Migraine Buddy and Migraine Monitor make it easy to track your triggers. Paper diary templates are available too.

Yoga & Relaxation

As stress and migraines are closely linked, any relaxation practice like mediation, Tai Chi or breathing exercises will reduce your migraine risk. Regular yoga practice can help by reducing anxiety and upper body tension, improving circulation and promoting relaxation. A May 2020 study concluded that “Yoga as an add-on therapy in migraine is superior to medical therapy alone.”

A Nutrient Rich Diet

Which nutrients are effective for migraine treatment? Research shows that magnesium (a.k.a. the relaxation mineral) and CoQ10 supplementation can significantly decrease migraine frequency, duration and severity.

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine also has much to offer migraine sufferers. Feverfew and ginger are both ancient herbal migraine remedies, and modern clinical research now supports their efficacy. Ginger also makes a delicious after dinner tea to help you relax and digest!

Don’t Let Your Migraines Linger Untreated

The longer migraines disrupt your life, the more likely that additional issues like depression and anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, constipation and chronic pain in other areas of the body may appear.

We can look at genetic testing to see if you’re at higher migraine risk, Food Sensitivity Testing to find your food triggers, and check your hormone levels to get the full picture. Get in touch with us and let’s work together on a personalized treatment plan with nourishing nutrients that will get you out of non-functioning migraine mode, and ready to face all life’s challenges pain-free.

Migraine Resources

Migraine Canada

American Migraine Foundation

Migraine Research Foundation

Association of Migraine Disorders

Migraine Trust


Aggarwal M, Puri V, Puri S. Serotonin and CGRP in migraine. Ann Neurosci. 2012;19(2):88‐94. doi:10.5214/ans.0972.7531.12190210

Anttila V, Wessman M, Kallela M, Palotie A. Genetics of migraine. Handb Clin Neurol. 2018;148:493‐503. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-64076-5.00031-4

D’Onofrio, F., Raimo, S., Spitaleri, D. et al. Usefulness of nutraceuticals in migraine prophylaxis. Neurol Sci 38, 117–120 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10072-017-2901-1

de Boer I, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, Terwindt GM. Advance in genetics of migraine. Curr Opin Neurol. 2019;32(3):413‐421. doi:10.1097/WCO.0000000000000687

Edvinsson L. Role of CGRP in Migraine. Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2019;255:121‐130. doi:10.1007/164_2018_201

Ferroni P, Barbanti P, Spila A, et al. Circulating Biomarkers in Migraine: New Opportunities for Precision Medicine. Curr Med Chem. 2019;26(34):6191‐6206.


Ghorbani Z, Togha M, Rafiee P, et al. Vitamin D in migraine headache: a comprehensive review on literature. Neurol Sci. 2019;40(12):2459‐2477. doi:10.1007/s10072-019-04021-z

Gormley P, Anttila V, Winsvold BS, et al. Corrigendum: Meta-analysis of 375,000 individuals identifies 38 susceptibility loci for migraine. Nat Genet. 2016;48(10):1296. doi:10.1038/ng1016-1296c

Kumar A, Bhatia R, Sharma G, et al. Effect of yoga as add-on therapy in migraine (CONTAIN): A randomized clinical trial [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 6]. Neurology. 2020;10.1212/WNL.0000000000009473. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000009473

Maghbooli M, Golipour F, Esfandabadi A, Yousefi M. Comparison between the efficacy of ginger and sumatriptan in the ablative treatment of the common migraine. Phytotherapy Res. 2014;28:412-415.

Mauskop A, Varughese J. Why all migraine patients should be treated with magnesium. J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2012;119(5):575‐579. doi:10.1007/s00702-012-0790-2

Nattagh-Eshtivani E, Sani MA, Dahri M, et al. The role of nutrients in the pathogenesis and treatment of migraine headaches: Review. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018;102:317‐325. doi:10.1016/j.biopha.2018.03.059

Pareek A, Suthar M, Rathore GS, Bansal V. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L.): A systematic review. Pharmacogn Rev. 2011;5(9):103‐110. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.79105

Wells RE, Beuthin J, Granetzke L. Complementary and Integrative Medicine for Episodic Migraine: an Update of Evidence from the Last 3 Years. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2019;23(2):10. Published 2019 Feb 21. doi:10.1007/s11916-019-0750-8

Zeng Z, Li Y, Lu S, Huang W, Di W. Efficacy of CoQ10 as supplementation for migraine: A meta-analysis. Acta Neurol Scand. 2019;139(3):284‐293. doi:10.1111/ane.13051

Is Your Brain Getting Enough Blood?

Blood flow is essential for life.  It transports oxygen to all of your cells and carries away toxins. Without proper blood flow our cells do not get the support they need to survive and optimally function. If blood flow is decreased to the point of causing lack of oxygenation those tissues and cells will die. We see this happen in kidney failure, heart attacks and strokes, as well as the complications from diabetes.  Blood flow is critical!

Even though our brain makes up a very small percentage of our body, 3%, it uses up to 20% of our oxygen supply. So anything that impairs our blood flow and oxygenation of blood will significantly impair our brain function, learning and memory.  Decreased blood flow to the brain can result in mood disorders, issues with memory and mental clarity and significantly increases the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. According to brain imaging studies, low blood flow is the number one imaging predictor of Alzheimer’s disease.

So, what are the things that reduce blood flow to the brain?

  1. Excess Alcohol consumption
    1. Alcohol decreases blood flow to the brain.
  2. High caffeine intake
    1. 3 or more cups of coffee per day decreases blood flow by constricting the blood vessels leading to the brain.
  3. Lack of activity
    1. Exercise less than 30minutes daily has been associated with decreased blood flow to the brain. Up to 90% of teenagers and adults do not get enough exercise.  This is quite possibly contributing to the increase in depression, anxiety and other mental health issues in the younger population.
  4. Smoking and Nicotine use
    1. Smoking directly constricts blood vessels in the brain.  Brain imaging scans reveal smaller and more damaged brains in smokers compared to nonsmokers.
  5. Pre-diabetes or diabetes
    1. High blood sugar damages the small blood vessels called capillaries. These damaged blood vessels are unable to optimally transport blood and oxygen to the brain.
  6. Cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure or cholesterol
    1. These conditions are all indicators of reduced blood flow.
  7. Personal history or a heart attack or stroke, atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease
    1. This means that blood vessels are already damaged and narrowed and prone to decreased blood flow.
  8. Sleep Apnea
    1. Untreated sleep apnea results in lower blood flow and oxygenation in the brain.
  9. Thick blood
    1. Thicker blood means there is more resistance to optimal blood flow.  This reduces the oxygen delivery to the brain and also means the heart needs to work harder to get the blood up to the brain.
  10. High stress
    1. One of our main stress hormones, cortisol, causes our blood vessels to constrict.

So what can we do to encourage optimal blood flow to the brain?

  1. Reduce stress and take up 20 minutes of relaxing mediation per day.  There are some great apps and devices that help with this.
  2. Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption
  3. Stop smoking
  4. Reduce sugar intake.  A good way to do this is to avoid all food with added sugar.  If sugar is listed on the ingredient label leave it one the shelf.
  5. Consider specific nutritional supplements to promote blood flow, healthy cholesterol and blood pressure.
  6. Get checked for sleep apnea if you do not feel rested in the morning and feel tired throughout the day.
  7. 30 minutes exercise per day.

We’re currently working on a Brain Kit that you can do at home! It will include all the essentials for a healthy, well-functioning brain. The nutrition program, supplements and latest brain technology work together to optimize blood flow to the brain. This kit combined with 30 minutes of daily exercise will help promote a better supported brain and healthier you.

7 Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Risk of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease is expected to triple within the next 30 years. Not recognizing loved ones, getting lost on your way home and forgetting precious life moments is incredibly scary.   There is no current cure but with more and more research happening we are seeing ways to reduce our risk.  Research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference has shown that there are small changes you can implement in your daily life to decrease your risk of developing the disease.  These lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other dementias by 60%! 

What are these lifestyle changes?

  1. Eat Right for your brain

What you eat can either support or harm your brain. It’s been shown that red meat, sugar and processed foods all increase inflammation in the brain, whereas, vegetables, fruit, healthy oils, seeds and fish reduce brain inflammation and actually protect neurons from damage.  The Mediterranean diet provides a great nutritional base for a healthy brain.

  • Intermittent fasting

Allowing your body 14-16hrs per day to focus on tasks other than digestion is greatly beneficial.  During these fasting periods your body can focus on clearing out toxin build up in the brain, eliminating free radicals and carcinogens, increasing it’s growth hormone production, increasing blood flow to the brain, balancing out your blood sugar and so much more.  Intermittent fasting is important for much more than just weight loss.

  • Exercise

Exercising at least 30 minutes per day has shown to improve health across the board, including brain function.  A combination of strength training, high intensity interval training,  coordination exercise like dance, tennis and mind exercise such as yoga or tai chi is ideal for optimal brain health and activity.

  • Stop smoking (cigarettes, marijuana, e-cigarettes)

Smoking, whether it is cigarettes, marijuana or vaping all lead to increased toxins in the brain.  Not only that, they damage blood vessels and ultimately decrease essential blood flow to the brain cells.  Decreased blood flow is the number one indicator of Alzheimer’s disease on brain imaging scans.

  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

It has been shown over and over again that daily alcohol consumption leads to smaller brain size on imaging scans.  Social drinking every now and again is OK, but should be limited to no more than 2 alcoholic drinks per week.

  • Do simple brain exercises daily

Different types of mental exercises use different parts of our brain. It’s best to activate the different parts of the brain on a daily basis.  Our prefrontal cortex loves crossword puzzles and games where you have to plan and think ahead, such as chess.  Our cerebellum needs movement for activation so tennis, dance and ping pong are great for it.  Great activities for our temporal and parietal lobes are learning new music or dances, juggling and memory puzzles.  So try switching up your exercise and brain exercises to include all the parts of the brain.

  • Get a minimum of 8hrs of sleep per night

I can’t overemphasize the need for quality sleep when it comes to decreasing your risk of Alzheimer’s.  If you are struggling with sleep please reach out so we can help.  Maybe your sleep issues are due to a hormone decline, low melatonin or other neurotransmitter, sleep apnea and/or high stress and cortisol.  There is so much we can do to get our sleep back on track.

Changes in the brain that ultimately lead to Alzheimer’s and dementia start occurring 20 years before any symptoms start to appear.  So, the earlier you can make some of these changes the better.  Alzheimer’s and dementia are complex illnesses that are greatly influenced by other health issues.  So if we can take care of our health by eating right, exercising and getting enough sleep our heart, brain and general life will greatly benefit.

We’re in the process of putting together a brain kit to help you with all areas of brain health.  We’ve put together the right balance of supplements, nutritional guidelines and shopping lists along with the best technology to help protect our brain and promote healthy balanced brain wave activity.  We’ll keep you posted on the progress….